
Heisenautomod is a simple automatic room moderator.


Make sure you have the following installed:

Open a terminal/cmd and execute the following commands: The $ denotes that the following is a command you should enter in your terminal.

$ git clone https://github.com/dongmaster/heisenautomod
$ cd heisenautomod
$ mix deps.get

Next, navigate to the config directory and copy (the original file should still exist) the config.exs.default file to config.exs

Open the config.exs file in your favorite text editor and make whatever changes you want/need to make.

You're done with setting up the bot!

Let's start it!

Execute this command in the heisenautomod directory and the bot will start up.

$ iex -S mix


If you'd like to know how to use the rules system, please take a look at RULES.md


Navigate to the heisenautomod directory and run the following command:

$ git pull origin master

Congrats, the bot has been updated.