
Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Create a fabric environment network or add peers to an existing network.


./driver.sh [ceare|add] [nPeer] [nOrderer] [nBroker] [db]
  • create or add
  • create: to create a new network with specified attributes
  • add: to add nPeer to the existing network, the nOrderer, nBroker, and db have to be the same as those when the network was created.
  • nPeer: number of peers to be created or added
  • nOrderer: number of orderers to be created
  • nBroker: number of kafka brokers to be created, if 0, then solo is applied
  • db:
  • couch: CouchDB
  • level: golevelDB

Note that 1 cop is created as default.

#IP addresses

The IP addresses and ports for peers and orderers needs to be included in the network.json, see network.json for detail.


###With golevelDB:

####example 1: create one cop, 4 peers, 3 orderer, 3 kafka brokers with golevelDB

./driver.sh create 4 3 3 level

####example 2: create one cop, 4 peers, 1 orderer, solo with golevelDB

./driver.sh create 4 1 0 level

####example 3: add 2 peers to the existing network which has 3 orderers, 3 kafka brokers with golevelDB

./driver.sh add 2 3 3 level

###with CouchDB:

####example 4: create 1 cop, 4 peers, 3 orderers, 3 kafka brokers with CouchDB

./driver.sh create 4 3 3 couch

####example 5: add 2 peers to the existing network which has 3 orderers and 3 kafka brokers with CouchDB

./driver.sh add 2 3 3 couch