
The serverless OTP telegram service use telegram as OTP service, and send OTP through webhook

Primary LanguageGo

Setup OTP

First thing, you need prepare API(webhook) with POST method, the payload format as below

  "first_name": "Nolan",
  "last_name": "Nguyen",
  "otp": "2448", // OTP
  "phone_number": "8434700000", // Phone number
  "time": "1629743463", // UTC Seconds
  "user_id": "963106161" // User ID

create .env file as format below

TELEGRAM_BOT=token telegram
OPEN_URL= khi nhận OTP, sẽ xuất hiện nút ấn vào link này. maybe link của website
APP_ENV=production // env


tạo file .env xong run lệnh:
docker-compose up -d --build