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Hi, I'm Wasi Master, a 14 year old developer from Bangladesh. I'm a creative problem solving enthusiast who has a constantly growing love for programming

  • 🏫: I'm a grade 9, a High School Student. 📚
  • 🔭: I’m currently working on many small projects. 🤏
  • 🌱: I’m currently learning Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, MVVM. 🧠💻🤖
  • 🤔: I’m looking for input with anything I am currently working on! 😄
    • 👉: Please feel free to clone/fork projects, raise issues and submit PRs if you think something could be better.
  • 💬: Ask me about Python, Life in Bangladesh. 🇧🇩
  • 😄: Pronouns: He/Him 👦
  • ⚡: Fun fact: I've been "programming" for 3 years now but if you consider scratch then it's over 6 years
  • 📫: You can email me at: arianmollik323@gmail.com


Spotify -----------------------------------------------------


🖥️ Languages and Tools -----------------------------------------------------

These are the languages and tools I use. (click to hide)
Notes (click to expand):
  1. The sorting is done approximately.
  2. The list does not represent everything.
  3. The data may be outdated.
  4. The list contains tools I have differing amounts of knowledge in, I do not know everything perfectly.

"Programming" Languages

These are the languages I have experience in. (Sorted by proficiency and use time)

Python Java JavaScript C++ Markdown HTML5 CSS3 Shell Script C# C Lua Arduino Rust Dart Kotlin TypeScript R Ruby Haskell

General Software

The software I use or know how to use. (Sorted by proficiency)

Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Lightroom Classic Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Word Microsoft Office Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects Blender Gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program Inkscape

Integrated Development Environments and Text Editors

The IDEs and text editors that I use or have tried out at some point. (Sorted by use time)

Visual Studio Code Android Studio PyCharm Visual Studio Unity IntelliJ IDEA Vim CodePen Sublime Text Atom

Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries

The frameworks, platforms and libraries that I have experience in. (Sorted alphabetically)

Bootstrap discord.js discord.py Django Express.js FastAPI Flask Flutter Git JWT MySQL NodeJS NPM NumPy OpenCV Pandas Postgres React scikit-learn SQLite TailwindCSS Typer Yarn


Websites and services I'm familiar with. (Sorted alphabetically)

Cloudflare Codewars Discord DuckDuckGo Facebook FreeCodeCamp GeeksForGeeks GitHub Actions GitHub Gmail Google Drive Google Meet Google Heroku Instagram Khan Academy LinkedIn Mega.nz Messenger Outlook Pinterest Quora Reddit Reddit Repl.it Slack Snapchat Spotify Stack Exchange Stack Overflow TikTok Twitch Twitter Udemy Viber WhatsApp Xbox XDA-Developers YouTube Zoom

Operating Systems

The operating systems that I have used in the past or am using currently. I currently use Android 11, Windows 10, Ubuntu and Kali on WSL (Sorted by use time)

Android Windows 10 Windows 7 Windows XP Linux Ubuntu Kali Linux Mint


The browsers I use or have used in the past sorted by use time, I currently use Firefox as my main browser. (Sorted by use time)

Google Chrome Firefox Edge Vivaldi Opera Brave Tor IE

📈 My GitHub Stats -----------------------------------------------------

wasi-master top_langs

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