Hey, nice to see you here. Scroll down for more info
Hi, I'm Wasi Master, a 14 year old developer from Bangladesh. I'm a creative problem solving enthusiast who has a constantly growing love for programming
- 🏫: I'm a grade 9, a High School Student. 📚
- 🔭: I’m currently working on many small projects. 🤏
- 🌱: I’m currently learning Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, MVVM. 🧠💻🤖
- 🤔: I’m looking for input with anything I am currently working on! 😄
- 👉: Please feel free to clone/fork projects, raise issues and submit PRs if you think something could be better.
- 💬: Ask me about Python, Life in Bangladesh.
- 😄: Pronouns: He/Him 👦
- ⚡: Fun fact: I've been "programming" for 3 years now but if you consider scratch then it's over 6 years
- 📫: You can email me at: arianmollik323@gmail.com
These are the languages and tools I use. (click to hide)
Notes (click to expand):
- The sorting is done approximately.
- The list does not represent everything.
- The data may be outdated.
- The list contains tools I have differing amounts of knowledge in, I do not know everything perfectly.
Notes (click to expand):
- The sorting is done approximately.
- The list does not represent everything.
- The data may be outdated.
- The list contains tools I have differing amounts of knowledge in, I do not know everything perfectly.
"Programming" Languages
These are the languages I have experience in. (Sorted by proficiency and use time)
General Software
The software I use or know how to use. (Sorted by proficiency)
Integrated Development Environments and Text Editors
The IDEs and text editors that I use or have tried out at some point. (Sorted by use time)
Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries
The frameworks, platforms and libraries that I have experience in. (Sorted alphabetically)
Websites and services I'm familiar with. (Sorted alphabetically)
Operating Systems
The operating systems that I have used in the past or am using currently. I currently use Android 11, Windows 10, Ubuntu and Kali on WSL (Sorted by use time)
The browsers I use or have used in the past sorted by use time, I currently use Firefox as my main browser. (Sorted by use time)