
Common module, include LOC

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

1. sdong_common

My common module

2. build

  • mvn package
  • mvn clean assembly:assembly -Pdist
  • mvn clean install -Pdist

3. LocUtil

3.1. 运行

java -jar .\target\locutil.jar .\input\loc\example\

3.2. LocUtil 介绍

  • Source lines of code 引自wiki

  • 測量方法 SLOC度量有两种主要类型:

    • 物理SLOC(LOC): 最常见定义是程序源代码文本中包含注释行的行数。
    • 逻辑SLOC(LLOC): 逻辑LOC尝试测量“语句”的数量,它们的特定定义与特定的计算机语言相关(对于类似于C的编程语言,一种简单的逻辑LOC度量是语句终止分号的数量)。


  • 开源LOC tools
名称 网址 开发语言 license 最后更新时间 特性 比对
cloc https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc perl GPL v2 2020-05-18 正则表达式
scc https://github.com/boyter/scc/ go MIT 2020-03-03 字节状态机
loc https://github.com/cgag/loc rust MIT 2017-10-15 contains code from Tokei by Aaronepower and ripgrep by BurntSushi.
gocloc https://github.com/hhatto/gocloc go MIT 2020-04-02 inspired by tokei,不支持windows
tokei https://github.com/Aaronepower/tokei rust APACHE 2.0 2020-06-24 字节状态机
Ohcount https://github.com/blackducksoftware/ohcount ruby GPL 2.0 2020-02-12 不支持windows,Ragel(状态机)
sclc https://code.google.com/archive/p/sclc/ perl GPL 2010-08-09
SLOCCount https://dwheeler.com/sloccount/ perl GPL 2004-08-02
Sonar http://www.sonarsource.org/ java GPL 3.0 2020-04
ployglot https://github.com/vmchale/polyglot ATS BSD 3 2020-01-11 不支持windows
locCount https://gitlab.com/esr/loccount go BSD 2 SLOCCount by go
Unified Code Count http://csse.usc.edu/ucc_new/wordpress/ C++ 2015-06-09 USC-CSSE

3.3. 精确度比较

期望值\工具 testcase cloc 1.86 scc 2.12.0 tokei 12.0.4 loc 0.4.1
blank Line 50 50(√) 50(√) 50(√) 50(√)
comment line 47 57(×) 47(√) 60(×) 41(×)
comment in Line 37
Line of Code 46 36(×) 46(√) 60(×) 52(×)
row line 143 143(√) 143(√) 143(√)
use time 0.03s

3.4. 效率比较

3.4.1. 比较代码

  • unit test
  • Juliet 1.3 C
  • Juliet 1.3 Java

3.4.2. LocUtil

  • unit test
Use: 95 msec.
| File Type|          Files|    Blank Lines|       Comments|Comment in Line|      File Size|    Line Counts|Row Line Counts|
|C         |              2|            107|            109|             51|           8503|            204|            420|
|Xml       |              1|              0|              2|              1|            480|             12|             14|
|Python    |              1|              2|              7|              0|            339|              5|             14|
|Java      |              1|              5|              9|              0|            392|              7|             21|
|Properties|              1|              3|             14|              0|            866|              3|             20| 
  • Juliet 1.3 C
Use: 18566 msec.
| File Type|          Files|    Blank Lines|       Comments|Comment in Line|      File Size|    Line Counts|Row Line Counts|
|Others    |            352|              0|              0|              0|        1371997|              0|              0|
|Python    |              4|            158|            665|              2|          45383|            473|           1296|
|Xml       |              1|              0|              0|              0|       15721107|         362895|         362895|
|C         |         105735|        2173512|        2909034|         549607|      432944027|        9114463|       14197009|
  • Juliet 1.3 Java
Use: 9393 msec.
| File Type|          Files|    Blank Lines|       Comments|Comment in Line|      File Size|    Line Counts|Row Line Counts|
|Java      |          46475|         830870|        1449096|          78627|      256307981|        5143739|        7423705|
|C         |              8|             36|             75|              9|           5714|             84|            195|
|Xml       |            290|           2180|           1713|            142|       16657999|         319783|         323676|
|Properties|              2|              1|             13|              0|            837|              7|             21|
|Others    |             76|              0|              0|              0|        1999633|              0|              0|
|Python    |              4|            132|            526|              1|          32732|            360|           1018|

3.4.3. cloc 1.92 2021.12.06

  • unit test
       6 text files.
       6 unique files.
       0 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.92  T=0.02 s (293.9 files/s, 23950.7 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                                2            108            118            194
XML                              1              0              2             12
Java                             1              5              9              7
Python                           1              2              5              7
Properties                       1              3             14              3
SUM:                             6            118            148            223
  • Juliet 1.3 C
  106092 text files.
  106011 unique files.
      81 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.92  T=147.83 s (717.1 files/s, 97681.7 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                            54486         773618        1635084        4861805
C++                          46670        1036593        1202118        3774373
C/C++ Header                  4500         317647          70568         389843
XML                              1              0              0         362895
make                           153           3200            459           7773
DOS Batch                      197            593            789           1188
Python                           4            276            318            702
SUM:                        106011        2131927        2909336        9398579
  • Juliet 1.3 Java
   46797 text files.
   46563 unique files.
     292 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.92  T=105.59 s (441.0 files/s, 73233.5 lines/s)
Language                          files          blank        comment           code
Java                              46475         830879        1449087        5143739
XML                                  68            197            196         306719
Python                                4            211            310            497
Ant                                   4             41             27            265
MSBuild script                        1              0              0            249
C++                                   4             18             49             48
C/C++ Header                          4             18             26             36
Visual Studio Solution                1              1              1             18
Properties                            2              1             13              7
SUM:                              46563         831366        1449709        5451578

3.4.4. Scc 3.00 2021.02.23

  • Unit test
Start time:  0:10:46.54
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
C                            2       420      107       109      204         45
Java                         1        21        5         9        7          0
Properties File              1        20        3        14        3          0
Python                       1        14        1         2       11          0
XML                          1        14        0         2       12          0
Total                        6       489      116       136      237         45
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $5,957
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 1.963111 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 0.269620
Processed 10580 bytes, 0.011 megabytes (SI)

End time:  0:10:46.62
  • Juliet 1.3 C
start time: 22:20:45.79
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
C                        54486   7270507   773618   1635084  4861805     485357
C++                      46749   6148444  1029757   1164812  3953875     177248
C Header                  4500    778058   315747     70468   391843          0
Batch                      197      2570      593         0     1977          0
Makefile                   153     11432     3200       459     7773          0
Python                       4      1296       84       108     1104         50
Plain Text                   1        32        4         0       28          0
XML                          1    362895        0         0   362895          0
Total                   106091  14575234  2123003   2870931  9581300     662655
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $409,346,410
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 135.209944 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 268.966549
Processed 449200468 bytes, 449.200 megabytes (SI)

End time: 22:20:48.56
  • Juliet 1.3 Java
Start time: 22:49:51.75
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Java                     46475   7423705   826189   1444350  5153166     493950
XML                        289    323670     2180      1713   319777          0
Plain Text                   8      1497      282         0     1215          0
C Header                     4        80       18        26       36          0
C++                          4       115       18        49       48          1
Python                       4      1018       77       116      825         45
Properties File              2        21        1        13        7          0
gitignore                    1         7        0         0        7          0
Total                    46787   7750113   828765   1446267  5475081     493996
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $227,460,192
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 108.152885 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 186.845743
Processed 273084031 bytes, 273.084 megabytes (SI)

End time: 22:49:53.63