Atlanta Movie (CS4400 team 36 project)

An data management app for movie system.

Build and Run the app


  • Make sure you have npm v6.12.1 or newer, node v13.1.0 or newer installed.
  • Run npm install in front-end folder.
  • Run npm start in front-end folder.
  • Server will be started on http://localhost:3000.


  • Make sure you have python v3.7.2 or newer installed.
  • Run pip install -r backend_requirements.txt.
  • Change the username and password at the start of in back-end folder to your local mysql server's username and password.
  • Run the script data/team36.sql followed by data/all_procedures.sql in mysql workbench.
  • Start the local mysql server.
  • Run python in back-end folder.