Bootloader for TMS320C674x

Author: Dengxue Yan

This is a simple bootloader designed for TMS320C674x series MCU and is simplified from my single-task OS. It has been tested on TMS320C6747. The bootloader occupies the lowest 16K internal flash. The purpose of this bootloader is to:

  1. Support user application update online,
  2. Support CRC verification,
  3. Support the generating time of the binary,
  4. Support version control.

The File2Bin.exe is used to generate the binary file that is supported by this bootloader. Its usage is: File2Bin.exe 0x01 Version Subversion Src Dest

The Appbin.bat is a demo of the usage of File2Bin.exe. The first parameter specifies the type of the application. It could be: 0x01: Application Code 0x41: FPGA Code 0x81: Develop config 0x82: Project config This bootloader only supports file type 0x01 for this version. The others are supported by application code. (You can try to download app.bin.bin using Xmoderm through this bootloader )

The default debug UART is UART 1 with baudrate 115200, 8 byte, no parity, 1 stop bits. The download protocol is Xmoderm .

The code is compiled by TI CGTools of C6000.