
Redis Cluster lib in Python2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pip install redis-trib
easy_install redis-trib


WARNING: The following console commands or APIs not support simultaneous operations on one cluster.

Console Commands

Start a cluster in a single redis node (the node should have cluster enabled, and not in a cluster)

redis-trib.py start NODE_HOST:PORT

Start a cluster in some redis nodes (the nodes should have cluster enabled, and none of them in any cluster)

redis-trib.py start_multi NODE_HOST_a:PORT_a NODE_HOST_b:PORT_b ...

Add another master node to a cluster


The above APIs balance slots automatically and not configurable.

Add another node to a cluster, but neither set as slave nor migrating slots to it

redis-trib.py join_no_load CLUSTER_HOST:PORT NEW_NODE_HOST:PORT

Add a slave node to a master (slave should not in any cluster)

redis-trib.py replicate MASTER_HOST:PORT SLAVE_HOST:PORT

Remove a node from its cluster

redis-trib.py quit NODE_HOST:PORT

Shutdown an empty cluster (there is only one node left and no keys in the node)

redis-trib.py shutdown NODE_HOST:PORT

Fix a migrating slot in a node

redis-trib.py fix HOST_HOST:PORT

Migrate slots (require source node holding all the migrating slots, and the two nodes are in the same cluster)


each of "slot" argument tuple could be an integer (indicating a single slot number) or a range (begin and end, both inclusive). For example

redis-trib.py migrate_slots 0 2 4-7

means migrate slot #0 #2 #4 #5 #6 #7 from to

Python APIs

Cluster Operation APIs

import redistrib.command

# start cluster at node
redistrib.command.start_cluster('', 7000)

# start cluster on multiple nodes, all the slots will be shared among them
# the argument is a list of (HOST, PORT) tuples
# for example, the following call will start a cluster on and
redistrib.command.start_cluster_on_multi([('', 7000), ('', 7001)])

# add node to the cluster as a master
redistrib.command.join_cluster('', 7000, '', 7001)

# add node to the cluster as a slave to
redistrib.command.replicate('', 7000, '', 7002)

# just add node to the cluster, not specifying its role
# could call migrate_slot(s) on it later, so that it becomes a master
redistrib.command.join_no_load('', 7000, '', 7001)

# remove node from the cluster
redistrib.command.quit_cluster('', 7000)

# shut down the cluster
redistrib.command.shutdown_cluster('', 7001)

# fix a migrating slot in a node
redistrib.command.fix_migrating('', 7001)

# migrate slots; require source node holding the slots

# migrate slots #1, #2, #3 from to
redistrib.command.migrate_slots('', 7001, '', 7002, [1, 2, 3])

See also https://github.com/antirez/redis/blob/3.0/src/redis-trib.rb

The join_cluster function takes 2 optional arguments balancer and balance_plan. The former is an object for calculating the weights of cluster nodes, and the latter is a function that calculates how the slots migrate to balance the load between nodes.

As crude examples, you could refer to redistrib.clusternode.BaseBalancer and redistrib.clusternode.base_balance_plan. An instance of BaseBalancer should implement weight method that returns the weight of a specified node, and a function like base_balance_plan should return a list of migration tuples (source node, destination node, slots count).

Cluster Status APIs

import redistrib.command

# list all cluster nodes (attributes of which shown in the next section)
# args
#   - host: host of specified node
#   - port: port of specified node
#   - default_host: default host string if the specified node doesn't know its host
# returns
#   - nodes: all cluster nodes
#   - myself: the specified node itself, also contained by nodes
nodes, myself = redistrib.command.list_nodes('', 7000, default_host='')

# list all master nodes
# args same as list_nodes
# returns
#   - nodes: all master nodes
#   - myself: the specified node itself, contained by nodes if it's a master; won't be None even if it's a slave
nodes, myself = redistrib.command.list_masters('', 7000, default_host='')


redistrib.cluster.ClusterNode: cluster node, attributes:

  • node_id: node id
  • host: known host, this value could be empty string if the node is newly launched
  • port: listening port
  • role_in_cluster: "master" or "slave"
  • master_id: master's node_id if it's a slave
  • assigned_slots: a list of assigned slots if it's a master; it won't contain slots being migrated
  • slots_migrating: boolean value for whether there are any slot(s) migrating or importing on this node