Starbucks Capstone Challenge

1. Motivation:

This is a capstone project of the Udacity data science nanodegree program. This dataset contains simulated data that mimics customer behavior on the Starbucks rewards mobile app. Once every few days, Starbucks sends out an offer to users of the mobile app. An offer can be merely an advertisement for a drink or an actual offer such as a discount or BOGO (buy one get one free). Some users might not receive any offer during certain weeks.

Problem Statement

The primary problem I would like to look into is how likely a customer received an offer will complete it. In order to achive this goal, I am building a supervised machine learning classification model based on the offer portfolio and demographics information. 

Before working on the modeling, more questions need to be asked to better understand the data. Here, I list five questions I explored:

  • What is the relation between offer viewed/completed rate and offer difficulty level?
  • What is the relation between offer viewed/completed rate and offer duration?
  • Is there any correlation between offer types and offer completed rate?
  • For individual customers, what are the relations between customer age, income, membership duration, and offer completed rate?
  • Is customer gender important for offer completed rate?

Model Metrics

Supervised classification models were built and most accuracy model was selected. The main metrics for model performance are

  • Precision
  • Recall
  • Weighted F1 score
  • ROC AUC score

Metric Justification

This problem is a supervised classification machine learning problem. The labels with binary values are pretty balanced (27,280 as zero and 27,942 as one), so I first used confusion matrix, in particular, precision and recall to measure the model accuracy. Note that for balanced labels, precision and recall of both label values need to be looked into.

To simplify the metrics, since I found the values of precision and recall for this problem are similar, I used the weighted F1-score, which is the combination of precision and recall to measure the model accuracy. On the other hand, ROC-AUC curves help to evaluate the performance of various classifiers, I also used ROC-AUC scores as another metric to evaluate the classifier accuracy.

Files in the Repo

The dataset in the data folder includes three json files:

  • portfolio.json: containing offer ids and meta data about each offer (duration, type, etc.)
  • profile.json: demographic data for each customer
  • transcript.json: records for transactions, offers received, offers viewed, and offers completed

The code is in the jupyter notebook.


This project used Python 3.8.2 with its update-to-date libraries, including:



I delivered a series of data analytic results, and built a machine learning classification model to predict if an offer will be completed by individual customers. 

Analytic Results

The data shows that there is no customer completed the received offers if

  • The offer difficulty level is 0.
  • The offer duration is less than 5.
  • The offer type is informational.

Also I found that younger people, people with lower salaries, relatively new members, or men are less likely to complete offers. To increase the revenue, Starbucks needs to focus more on offers featured with higher completed rate. 

Predictor Model

The machine learning model gives a predictor for individual customer to complete an offer. The difficulty level, income, age, channel and offer type are among the topic importance for the model. The model accuracy (F1 score) is ~ 0.8. So far the offer completed rate is 0.46. The predictor has much higher probability to target potential customers who can complete offers, and helps Starbucks to significantly increase offer completed rate.

More discussion see my medium blog.


I thank Udacity and Starbucks to provide the simulated dataset.


Medium blog: