
postgres learning

Primary LanguageTSQL


Learning about postgres and various postgres things via Udemy

Useful Commands At The Command Line

These commands used the docker instance sameersbn/postgresql9.6-2 with a user of test password test and a a preexisting database of 'jdatabase'. Password checking is turned off.

Run a File

  • psql -h localhost -d jdatabase -U <user> -p <port> -a -w -f test.sql
  • psql -h localhost -d jdatabase -U test -p 5432 -a -w -f test.sql a is 'echo all' w is force password prompt

Useful Command In A Session

Restore from Udemy tar files

  • create the database from the tar file name (northwind.tar -> 'northwind')
  • CREATE DATABASE dbname OWNER <rolename>; (used user 'test' in this case)
  • pg_restore -d northwind -U test -h localhost -C northwind.tar
  • see https://github.com/donhenton/dbscripts for the tar/zip files

Postgres Tutorial
