
A playground for the selenium testing framework

Primary LanguageJava


A playground for the selenium testing framework, for java.


The pom file is set up to read testNg files and point tests to use the remote.server system property to configure the driver and repositories. See DriverFactory. the profiles in the pom name the driver, eg docker otherwise you can override at the command line (see below)

command line use: mvn clean test -PtestNg -Dremote.server=phantomjs -DtestNgFile=testng-sample

This runs the testNg file testing-sample with a phantomjs driver (a substitute for a remote selenium server, technically its a local browser type)

Current Best Sample

The best example is in the Angular test folder:

mvn clean test -PtestNg -Dremote.server=docker -DtestNgFile=angular

the docker server needs to be running (see docker.txt)

This illustrates:

  1. Use of remote driver
  2. Use of TestNG listeners
  3. Selenium testing for angular
  4. Use communicating info from maven to running tests (see AngularTests#testFromMaven)
  5. A screenshot of the state for failed tests is also generated.

Update (6/28/2019)

docker run -d -p 4470:4444 --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-firefox:3.141.59-radium

use the dstart.sh script to launch the docker container