---Net Ninja---
Total Time- 19:59 Total Line of code : 2360 Completion time: 30 Minutes
- HTML used to structure content on the web page (Images,text,forms etc)
- Structure content using HTML tags
<p>content</p>==Paragraph Tag [Time 3:22]
<a> link </a> ==anchor Tag
<img> == Image Tag (No closing tag)
<head> tag -- This is for page information like Title.
<title> tag -- List in the top
<body> tag -- This is for visible page conten
- Add a local development server foe live refresh==Add extension [15:40]
- Inspect the page [17:45]
Total Time- 19:51 Completion time: 40 Minutes
<strong> </strong> ==Make the letter bold. [2:20]
<em> </em> (empasise)== Make the content italics.
<small> </small> == Make the letter small.
<h1> </h1> == Heading tag (There are six diffrent types
<ul> </ul == Unordered list (Put bullet points in list) [4:50]
**** <li> </li> == single list item.
<ol> </ol> == Ordered list. (Put numbers infront of list)
**** <li> </li> == single list
<br> Break the line (No closing Tag)
<hr> Horizonal tag (No closing tag)
<span> </span> This tag will apply style in inline emlement.
Tags and Attributes.
<img (Tag) src (attribute) alt (attribute-- No visual effect) [10:51]
*eg ; <img src="image.png" alt="a picture">
<a (Tag) href (attribute)> </a> (anchor tag)--Adding Link
*eg ; <a href="www.sample.website.com> samplewebsite </a>
<blockquote (Tag) cite (attribute) --Quote the line from a link.
*eg ; <blockquote cite="Website"> Line here </blockquote>
<p style="organge"> Line </p>
Total time-31:54 Completion time: 1 hour 30 Minutes
Tag and Attributes.
<form (Tag) action (attribute)--Not important now.
<input (Tag) type = "text" id = "username"> (Username, search etc)
<label> (Tag)
<input> tag contains "type "attribute type of input field. eg (text,email,password)
"id" attribute will identify the individual tag
1.eg; <label for="lbl-name"> Enter the name </label>
<input type="text" id="lbl-name" placeholder="Enter your name">
radio button
<label for="rad-age"> 0-25 </label>
- Input is a tag inside form tag
- Case should be same
- If we write two forms the it will separate the space
- The name attribute is important when using radio type because it helps group radio inputs
Total Time- 42:38 Completion time: 1 hour 50 Minutes
Important usage
link -a link between a document and an external resource
usage -link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /
rel - specify the relationship between the two documents.
href - href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.
units in css - px,em,%,cm,ex,in,am,pc,pt etc..
text-decoration - values(underline,none,line-through)
font family
text align
line height
letter spacing
border-width: px;
border-color: ;
border-style: ;
Total Time- 26:27 Completion time: 40 Minutes
- Class = We can add same class to diffrent element in a page. (We can make text color font etc) *: class 1 : class="success"> : Multiple classes : class="success.feedback"
- inner selector - div p{we can style here for p element that inside a div}
- attribute selector - a[href]{we can style here for a tag have href attribute}
- text-transform - for text transforming
- a[href*="google"] {we can style here for an a tag its href value include text 'google'}
- HTML element can inherit CSS properties thar are applied to thier parent property.
Total Time- 14:14 Completion time: 1 hour 20 Minutes
Semantic Tag
<Main> For the main content of a webpage , unique to that page.
<section> Defines a certain section of a webpage (eg. bloglist, contact info)
<article> Defines a bit of content which makes up an article (eg . ablog post)
<aside> Defines some content relates to something else (eg .similar blogs)
<header> For the header of a website - contains the nav, title etc
<footer> For the footer of a website.
<li> Images or icon or list of links.
Total Time- 11:49 Completion time: 30 Minutes
- Go to element in inspect >> Right-click in tag >> Copy the selector >> Paste it in console ( This is for to make rules)
- If we want to make a quick change ---- Go to edit as Html -- can add the details
- scroll into views ( tO view the item)
- Can edit.
- Can add the attribute.
- The top-left icon will select the different items on the page.
- Do the reverse engineering in inspect.
- "source" page will show the source.
- To save the changes from inspects tool > sources >>filesystem >> Add folder workspace.
- inner selector - div p{we can style here for p element that inside a div}
- attribute selector - a[href]{we can style here for a tag have href attribute}
- text-transform - for text transforming
- a[href*="google"] {we can style here for an a tag its href value include text 'google'
Total Time- 39:21 Completion time: 5 hours 40 Minutes
Relative- We can shift the element around the page to the original position on the page. eg :{ position:relative;
left:20px; bottom:20px; -
Fixed - Position fixed (The box will be fixed on the page if we dropdown)
Absolute- Absolute position is relative to its closing parent. Position of the parent element to the child element. eg: { position:absolute; left:20px; bottom;20px absolute relative to the parent which has the relative property.
Static - Mixture of static and fixed.
- section-index -> Bring the property in front of the page.
- white space: now drop (will display in a straight line.
- border-radius - helps to change border shape.
- margin:0: auto -auto keyword automatically adjusted spaces.
Total Time- 16:47 Completion time: 1 hour 35 Minutes
- Pseudoclass Style emements used for making a particular style. hover selector,focus,first child of a parent element.
eg : <ul> parent
<li> child element
nav li a:hover
2.Psedo elements.
article p::first-line
Total Time- 22:36 Completion time: 30 Minutes
Tell the browser how to style an element at a particular view dimension
Total Time- 3:24 Completion time: 20 Minutes
- No floats.
- Responsive and mobile friendly
- Positioning chiled element is much easier
- Flex containers margin do not collapse with the margin of it contents.
- Order of the elements can easily be change without editing the source html.
- The ability to alter items and height to best fit in its containers available free space.
- It is diffrent than the block model and the inloine model.
- It is similar to bootstrap.
## Flex Properties:
display: flex | inline flex
flex-direction: row | column
flex-wrap: wrap | nowwrap| wrapreverse
flex-basis : <length>
jutsify-content: flex-star | flex-end | center
align-sent: flex-start| flex-end| center
align-items: flex-start| flex-end |center
align-content: flex-start| flex-end| center
flex-grow: <number>
flex-shrink: <number>
flex: <interger>
order: <integer>
- Flex-wrap : (Property will make the element to wrap or not , If we make the browser small it will make it correctly.
- flex-basis: (Same as width, it will help to assign to flex items)
- justify-content: (Allign items to left, start,end)
- align-items: (This is the behaviou to show the cross axis)
- align-center: (Also a behaviour for cross axis)
- flex-grow: ( We can make the diffrent elemt row with the diffrent sizes)
- flex: ( This is the combination on flex grow and shrink)
- Justify conten (Space between, center , space around)
A PINNED-DOWN MENU The menu you see on the right on this page is simply a UL list. But, it stays fixed when you scroll the page. (You may have to make the window smaller to get a scroll bar first.) All the work to make it stay in place is done by rules in the style sheet. Here is the mark-up of the menu, it is taken straight from the source of this page: