
Super hip, super minimal, super easy peasy to use

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A pretty slick jif

Neon Audio Player

Super minimal, super hip, super easy peasy to use.

Demo and the same infos as here: https://donk.github.io/neon-web-audio/

What's this?

Neon Player is a lightweight library using vanilla javascript and css to make it easy to embed music on your website. The minimal design lets it fit in a wide range of sizes and color schemes, and that's why it's so basic and not because I have a very bland eye for design.

There's not meant to be a pause button, since volume sliders are pretty good at making sound stop. When the volume is turned all the way down the song pauses. There is a play/pause button available, but I couldn't find a good way to implement it and keep things super boring and square. I highly recommend against using this, and regret mentioning it in the first place.

How to use

First you need to include the library in the <head>. You can get the source from Github, or use my 'CDN' with the minified versions. (Is this a bad idea? Probably, but my host says unlimted bandwidth, so.).

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://neon.pw/nl-audio.min.css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://neon.pw/nl-audio.min.js"></script>

Create a div with <audio> elements of your musics inside.

<div id="playlist">
  <audio src="https://neon.pw/lofi.mp3" title="The Most Generic Lofi Song Ever"></audio>
  <audio src="https://neon.pw/splash.wav" title="Drink More Water"></audio>

Then create a new instance of NeonAudio and pass the selector for the element you created let player = new NeonAudio('#playlist'); To actually create the player, you need to call initialize it. Pass true if you want a not so pretty pause button

// Or just: new NeonAudio('#playlist').init();

Most basic example

Copy/Paste this into an html file and you've got yourself a music player!

    <title>Me, the famous music person</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://neon.pw/nl-audio.min.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://neon.pw/nl-audio.min.js"></script>
    <div id="my-super-good-songs" style="max-width:600px;margin:200px auto;">
      <!-- Replace the information in these audo tags with your own mp3/ogg/wav -->
      <audio src="https://neon.pw/lofi.mp3" title="The Most Generic Lofi Song Ever"></audio>
      <audio src="https://neon.pw/splash.wav" title="Drink More Water"></audio>
      let player = new NeonAudio('#my-super-good-songs').init(false);
      // Change init(false) to init(true) if you want a pause button (ew)

Nitty Gritties

This library is pretty light at 22kb or 15kb minified, using regular ol' javascript. It has some public functions, with more planned for the future. Those functions are:

This kicks everything off, and needs to be called pretty much immediately. Never pass true to this function.

When a number is passed, it'll try to play the song based on position in the playlist. If nothing's passed, it resumes playing.

Pauses as you'd expect. This is triggered when the volume is set to 0.

Mixing things up. This toggles play and pause, for a certain button that shouldn't be enabled.

Plays the next song. I should probably make a prev() too.

Get or set the volume; Accepts a value between 0 and 1

NeonAudio.setColor(string|key, string|color)
Get or set the color of a specific element. There are currently only 3 elements: "main", "wave", and "progress".

  • main is the background color for the playlist
  • wave is the background color of the waveform/frequency bar thing
  • progress is the color of the progress bar overlay
    setColor accepts any css-valid color value.

You can also set the color by passing an object with the above keys paired with a color string eg. {main:'#eee',wave:'#444',progress:'#aaa'}

If you reallly feel like breaking away from the a e s t h e t i c you can pass true to this.