
Building a Simple Web App With Bottle, SQLAlchemy, and the Twitter API

Primary LanguagePython

Daily Python Tips

BCH compliance

App built for Code Challenge 40 - Daily Python Tip Part 1 - Make a Web App

I deployed it to https://pytip.herokuapp.com

python pybites code challenge 40 pytip bottle app


To run this app locally:

  • Create a virtual env

  • Create a DB called pytip (I use Postgres)

  • Add env variables to venv/bin/activate:

    • DATABASE_URL = 'postgres://user:pw@localhost:5432/pytip' (tests use pytip_tests)
    • If your run it on Heroku set APP_LOCATION to heroku (similar deployment instructions as prchecker)
  • Install the dependencies:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Get the python_tip tweets:

      (venv) $ python tasks/import_tweets.py
  • To run the tests create a postgres DB called pytip_test, then:

      (venv) $ pytest
      ===  test session starts ===
      platform darwin -- Python 3.6.1, pytest-3.2.3, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
      rootdir: /Users/bbelderb/Documents/code/pytip, inifile:
      collected 5 items
      tests/test_tasks.py .
      tests/test_tips.py ....
      === 5 passed in 1.04 seconds ===
  • Run the Bottle app:

      (venv) $ python app.py
      Bottle v0.12.13 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
      Listening on http://localhost:8080/
      Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
  • Enjoy!