
A simple library for .Net developers to upload image to ImgUr and some operations about album.

Primary LanguageC#


A simple library for .Net developer to upload image to ImgUr and some operations about album. Happy Coding :)


一個簡單的 Library ,讓你可以上傳圖片到 ImgUr

  1. 你得先去這邊申請 開發者帳號 你要拿到 client id 之後就可以了

  2. 這邊都是採取匿名處理,所以要自己好好管理自己的deleteHash

  3. 我這邊沒有處理將圖片從相簿中移除關聯,因為那 API 我怎麼測試都不成功,所以我索性就是寫直接把圖片刪除。

  4. 因為我查到的 library 不是有點龐大就是引入的相依套件有點多,這邊我實做的部分比較少,只需要 Newtonsoft.Json , RestSharp

How To Start?

Upload Image To ImgUr

記得 保留住 id , deletehash , link 其他還好

            EZImgUr.UploadImageResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.UploadImage(CLIENTID, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "linmin.jpg");

            Response.Write("ID:" + result.data.id + " , " + "DELETE_HASH:" + result.data.deletehash + " , " + "URL:" + result.data.link);
            //Upload Result Binary :
                  "data": {
                    "id": "icF4V7P",
                    "title": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "datetime": 1605683608,
                    "type": "image/jpeg",
                    "animated": false,
                    "width": 1600,
                    "height": 900,
                    "size": 304347,
                    "views": 0,
                    "bandwidth": 0,
                    "vote": null,
                    "favorite": false,
                    "nsfw": null,
                    "section": null,
                    "account_url": null,
                    "account_id": 0,
                    "is_ad": false,
                    "in_most_viral": false,
                    "tags": [],
                    "ad_type": 0,
                    "ad_url": "",
                    "in_gallery": false,
                    "deletehash": "efwpG4ANupJWMZ1",
                    "name": "",
                    "link": "https://i.imgur.com/icF4V7P.jpg"
                  "success": true,
                  "status": 200


Create Album

            EZImgUr.CreateAlbumResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.CreateAlbum(CLIENTID, "測試相簿!!!", "!!相簿敘述!!!", "icF4V7P");

            Response.Write("ID:" + result.data.id + " , " + "DELETE_HASH:" + result.data.deletehash);
            //如果你得到了 album id 
            //則公開網址就是 https://imgur.com/a/[ALBUMID]
            //此範例  https://imgur.com/a/DytNW1A


Add Image to Album

將一張圖片放入到建立的相簿,請注意 下面兩個參數 第二個參數是 image 的 deletehashes , 第三個數 相簿的 deletehash

            EZImgUr.AlbumBasicResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.AddImageToAlbum(CLIENTID, "JFxUUKYYvKmWdJt,efwpG4ANupJWMZ1".Split(','), "dKhBtaq3uUvD3nF");

Get All Images Info form Album


            EZImgUr.GetImageInfoFromAlbumResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.GetImageInfoFromAlbum(CLIENTID, "DytNW1A");

                "data": [
                    "id": "h2pYC3S",
                    "title": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "datetime": 1605676983,
                    "type": "image/jpeg",
                    "animated": false,
                    "width": 1920,
                    "height": 2559,
                    "size": 702720,
                    "views": 3,
                    "bandwidth": 2108160,
                    "vote": null,
                    "favorite": false,
                    "nsfw": null,
                    "section": null,
                    "account_url": null,
                    "account_id": null,
                    "is_ad": false,
                    "in_most_viral": false,
                    "has_sound": false,
                    "tags": [],
                    "ad_type": 0,
                    "ad_url": "",
                    "edited": "0",
                    "in_gallery": false,
                    "link": "https://i.imgur.com/h2pYC3S.jpg"
                    "id": "icF4V7P",
                    "title": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "datetime": 1605683608,
                    "type": "image/jpeg",
                    "animated": false,
                    "width": 1600,
                    "height": 900,
                    "size": 304347,
                    "views": 1,
                    "bandwidth": 304347,
                    "vote": null,
                    "favorite": false,
                    "nsfw": null,
                    "section": null,
                    "account_url": null,
                    "account_id": null,
                    "is_ad": false,
                    "in_most_viral": false,
                    "has_sound": false,
                    "tags": [],
                    "ad_type": 0,
                    "ad_url": "",
                    "edited": "0",
                    "in_gallery": false,
                    "link": "https://i.imgur.com/icF4V7P.jpg"
                "success": true,
                "status": 200


Get Album Info


            EZImgUr.AlbumInfoResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.GetAlbumInfo(CLIENTID, "DytNW1A");
              "data": {
                "id": "DytNW1A",
                "title": "測試相簿!!!",
                "description": "!!相簿敘述!!!",
                "datetime": 1605763053,
                "cover": "h2pYC3S",
                "cover_edited": null,
                "cover_width": 1920,
                "cover_height": 2559,
                "account_url": null,
                "account_id": null,
                "privacy": "hidden",
                "layout": "blog",
                "views": 1,
                "link": "https://imgur.com/a/DytNW1A",
                "favorite": false,
                "nsfw": false,
                "section": null,
                "images_count": 2,
                "in_gallery": false,
                "is_ad": false,
                "include_album_ads": false,
                "is_album": true,
                "images": [
                    "id": "h2pYC3S",
                    "title": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "datetime": 1605676983,
                    "type": "image/jpeg",
                    "animated": false,
                    "width": 1920,
                    "height": 2559,
                    "size": 702720,
                    "views": 3,
                    "bandwidth": 2108160,
                    "vote": null,
                    "favorite": false,
                    "nsfw": null,
                    "section": null,
                    "account_url": null,
                    "account_id": null,
                    "is_ad": false,
                    "in_most_viral": false,
                    "has_sound": false,
                    "tags": [],
                    "ad_type": 0,
                    "ad_url": "",
                    "edited": "0",
                    "in_gallery": false,
                    "link": "https://i.imgur.com/h2pYC3S.jpg"
                    "id": "icF4V7P",
                    "title": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "datetime": 1605683608,
                    "type": "image/jpeg",
                    "animated": false,
                    "width": 1600,
                    "height": 900,
                    "size": 304347,
                    "views": 1,
                    "bandwidth": 304347,
                    "vote": null,
                    "favorite": false,
                    "nsfw": null,
                    "section": null,
                    "account_url": null,
                    "account_id": null,
                    "is_ad": false,
                    "in_most_viral": false,
                    "has_sound": false,
                    "tags": [],
                    "ad_type": 0,
                    "ad_url": "",
                    "edited": "0",
                    "in_gallery": false,
                    "link": "https://i.imgur.com/icF4V7P.jpg"
                "ad_config": {
                  "safeFlags": [
                  "highRiskFlags": [],
                  "unsafeFlags": [
                  "wallUnsafeFlags": [],
                  "showsAds": false
              "success": true,
              "status": 200

Delete Image

刪除圖片,下面放的參數是 image deletehash

            EZImgUr.AlbumBasicResult result = EZImgUr.Helper.DeleteImage(CLIENTID, "JFxUUKYYvKmWdJt");