
The official Cornerstore ruby gem

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a client for the Cornerstore API-based online shop. Cornerstore allows you to create custom online shops with your own front-end code, platform and tool belt choices. Instead of reinventing the wheel however, Cornerstore will supply you with common e-commerce resources like products and carts via API. It also includes a checkout and Manager interface, so your customers can manage their products and orders without you having to code yet another admin back-end.

Learn more about Cornerstore at http://www.cornerstore.io and http://addons.heroku.com/cornerstore


The gem tries to retrieve your Cornerstore credentials in the following order:

  1. It checks if the env variable CORNERSTORE_URL is set and extracts the credentials. If you provisioned with Heroku this variable is already configured.

  2. If no env variable is available it checks the secrets.yml file on Rails 4.1 or looks for a cornerstore.yml on previous versions. See examples/cornerstore.yml for an example.

  3. You can always set the credentials directly by using the Cornerstore.subdomain= and Cornerstore.api_key= methods.

Getting products & collections

You can retrieve products from Cornerstore like so:

product = Cornerstore::Product.find('sugo-al-basilico')
product.manufacturer #=> "Fattoria Croccante"

product = Cornerstore::Product.find('5900338280000393023')
product.name #=> "Sugo Al Basilico"

collection = Cornerstore::Collection.find('spaghetti').child_collections.first
product = collection.products.first
product.variants.any? #=> true
product.variants.first.price.decimal_amount #=> 12.99

Creating carts and adding line items

You can create carts and handle line items as state below. Line items can either be created from scratch or you can derive them from a product/variant.

cart = Cornerstore::Cart.new({
    success_redirect_url: "http://yourshop.com/cart/success",
    cart_url:             "http://yourshop.com/cart"

product = Cornerstore::Product.find('sugo-al-basilico')
variant = product.variants.find('SBS-39993')

# Derive from variant
cart.line_items.create_from_variant(variant, qty: 10)

line_item = cart.line_items.first
line_item.qty = 15

another_line_item = cart.line_items.last

# Create a line item directly
line_item = Cornerstore::LineItem.create({
    qty: 10,
    description: 'My own custom line item',
    unit: 'Piece',
    weight: 0.5,
    price: Cornerstore::Price.new(12.99, 'USD')

Learn more

We provide a full API documentation at http://developer.cornerstore.io/api, including many ruby examples. Generally every attribute that is listed in the API docs corresponds to a ruby method that can be called on the respective objects. In many cases there are additional methods available, just check out the classes of this gem and our Rails example store and boilerplate at https://github.com/crispymtn/fattoria-croccante.