
:video_game: Gamepad controls for A-Frame VR.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A-Frame gamepad-controls

NOTICE: This project is no longer maintained. I recommend using movement-controls from A-Frame Extras instead.

Gamepad controls for A-Frame.

Demo: https://donmccurdy.github.io/aframe-gamepad-controls/


Supports one or more gamepads, attached to an A-Frame scene. When used on a mobile device, gamepad-controls can also receive input from a gamepad connected to a host machine, using ProxyControls.js.

This component uses the HTML5 Gamepad API. The underlying API supports Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Opera (as of 01/2016). Safari and Internet Explorer do not currently support gamepads.

Usage (script)

    <!-- A-Frame Library -->
    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.3.1/aframe.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Component -->
    <script src="dist/aframe-gamepad-controls.js"></script>
      <!-- ... -->
      <a-entity camera gamepad-controls></a-entity>

Usage (NPM)

Install NPM module.

$ npm install aframe-gamepad-controls

Register gamepad-controls component.

var AFRAME = require('aframe');
var GamepadControls = require('aframe-gamepad-controls');
AFRAME.registerComponent('gamepad-controls', GamepadControls);

Add markup.

<!-- First-person controls -->
<a-entity camera gamepad-controls></a-entity>

<!-- Third-person controls -->
<a-cube gamepad-controls="lookEnabled: false"></a-cube>

<!-- Two players -->
<a-obj-model src="player1.obj" gamepad-controls="controller: 0; lookEnabled: false"></a-obj-model>
<a-obj-model src="player2.obj" gamepad-controls="controller: 1; lookEnabled: false"></a-obj-model>


To edit the component or play with examples, download the project and run:

npm install
npm run dev

The demo will run at http://localhost:8000/.

Mobile / Cardboard + Gamepad

In Chrome on Android, USB gamepads can be connected with an OTG adapter. For a Nexus 5X, I use this. I'm not aware of a way to connect a gamepad in iOS, but definitely let me know if there's something I'm missing.

The gamepad-controls component can also receive remote events with WebRTC, if a proxy-controls element is attached to the scene. More details about ProxyControls.js.


<a-scene proxy-controls>
  <a-entity camera

Gear VR

A-Frame supports the Gear VR controller with gear-vr-controller, but for Gear VR's without a controller, this component can be used to handle it's trackpad events.

For a cursor-based setup, downEvents must be set to gamepadbuttondown. For example:

<a-entity cursor="downEvents: gamepadbuttondown; upEvents: gamepadbuttonup;"></a-entity>

Button Events

When buttons are pressed on the gamepad, a GamepadButtonEvent is emitted on the element. Components and entities may listen for these events and modify behavior as needed. Example:

el.addEventListener('gamepadbuttondown', function (e) {
  console.log('Button "%d" has been pressed.', e.index);


Property Type Description
type string Either gamepadbuttondown or gamepadbuttonup.
index int Index of the button affected, 0..N.
pressed boolean Whether or not the button is currently pressed.
value float Distance the button was pressed, if applicable. Value will be 0 or 1 in most cases, but may return a float on the interval [0..1] for trigger-like buttons.

Markup-only Binding:

For convenience, additional events are fired including the button index, providing a way to bind events to specific buttons using only markup. To play pew-pew.wav when Button 7 is pressed (right trigger on an Xbox controller), you might do this:

<a-entity gamepad-controls
          sound="src: pew-pew.wav;
                 on: gamepadbuttondown:7">

Finally, your code may call the gamepad-controls component directly to request the state of a button, as a GamepadButton instance:

// Returns a GamepadButton instance.


Property Default Description
controller 0 Which controller (0..3) the object should be attached to.
enabled true Enables all events on this controller.
movementEnabled true Enables movement via the left thumbstick.
lookEnabled true true, or false. Enables view rotation via the right thumbstick.
flyEnabled false Whether or not movement is restricted to the entity’s initial plane.
invertAxisY false Invert Y axis of view rotation thumbstick.
debug false When true, shows debugging info in the console.