
Watch an Angular / Electron app with hot reload for each.

Angular Inside Electron Checklist


Made this as a checklist for myself to translate sleep-deprived ramblings scribbled in coffee-stained notebooks into something readable and fireproof.


I take no responsibility if anyone uses this checklist and subsequently is hit by a falling piano. These settings and directories work for my use but there is no guarantee they will work for yours. This is by no means meant to be a comprehensive tutorial, but I hope it can at least bring some pieces together and help someone else not age more rapidly than absolutely necessary.

How to watch (Webpack hot reload) an Angular app with routing inside an Electron app and refresh them both on an Angular src/app/* file change:

  1. yarn add -D electron-reload

  2. At the top of main.js:

    require('electron-reload')(__dirname, {
      electron: require(`${__dirname}/node_modules/electron`)
  3. In index.html between the <head> tags:
    <base href="./index.html">

    • Needs the full ./index.html
    • NOT /
    • NOT .
    • NOT ./
  4. In app-routing-module.ts

    • Electron conflicts with Angular's routing if Angular's routing does not use hash.
      imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true })],
  5. Open 2 terminal windows and cd into your project's root directory.

    • In the first:
      ng build --watch
    • In the second:
      electron .


If you're more familiar with Electron than Angular and wondering where require("../renderer.js") goes, the answer is "nowhere".

Angular IS the renderer.

This is why require("../renderer.js") doesn't do anything with this setup.

ipcRenderer is included directly into Angular when imported into a component. Angular itself is listening for the main process changes. It doesn't need another intermediary between it and the main process.

For example, minimally:

import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';

constructor() {
  ipcRenderer.on('some-action', this.someMethod.bind(this));

someMethod() {

..or another way:

import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';

constructor( private zone: NgZone ) {
  ipcRenderer.on('some-action', () => {
    this.zone.run(() => this.someMethod() );

someMethod() {