LAB - Class 02

Project: Basic Express Server

Author: Donna Ada

Problem Domain

Dynamic API Phase 1: Build your core, standards compliant Express server. From a business requirements standpoint, we will be building a basic Express server using best practices, including server modularization, use of middleware, and tests.

Person Route

  • Method: GET
  • Path: /person
    • Expects a query string from the user with a “name” property
    • When present, output JSON to the client with this shape: { name: "name provided" }
    • Without a name in the query string, force a “500” error

Links and Resources


Referenced Ryan Gallaway's Demo Code CodeFellow TA's for assistance with server.js and server.test.js issues


.env requirements (where applicable)

Port variable located within .env.sample

How to initialize/run your application (where applicable)

  • e.g. npm start

How to use your library (where applicable)

Clone repo, npm i, then run nodemon in terminal

Features / Routes

  • Feature One: Details of feature
  • GET : /person - specific route to hit with query?name=name


To Run tests, run the command npm test


Lab 2 UML