
using rather than committing every week holding back specific data, to look like any other user making daily contributions

Primary LanguageShell


   | Autocommit |


  They tell you to "commit often," so we'll do that for you!

  Simply add Autocommit as a cron
  job or Windows Schedule task, and
  continue your projects while this
  script submits all your progress.

  This tool also gives names to
  commits that contain summaries
  of your changes.



   autocmt repo_dir (-p)

   -p    | Push with commits
             (best ran on a bidaily schedule or one
			    correlated with your work time)


   autocmt /mnt/e/work/myrepo/


   (user) committed 1 day ago
   'autocmt: main.cpp: "...{puts("Hello, World!");}...", MyProject.sln: "...","MyProject2.vcxproj","{..." '

  cron example:

   30 17 * * 0 autocmt /mnt/e/MyProject
   10 13 * * 1 autocmt /mnt/e/MyProject -p
   30 17 * * 2 autocmt /mnt/e/MyProject
   10 13 * * 3 autocmt /mnt/e/MyProject -p
   30 17 * * 4 autocmt /mnt/e/MyProject

  Here, on one day, files are committed at 5:30 PM,
  and on another day, files are committed and pushed
  at 1:10 PM, and so on, that is if changes were made
  at all.


  developed by donnaken15

  This is also my first try at making
  a shell script geared towards Linux
  in terms of testing and writing it,
  via WSL and MINGW.


  Optional TODOs:
   wait until files
   being committed
   are not in use
   anymore (thought
   of this with minecraft
   worlds when playing lol)

   fix using script with CR LF
   apparently it messes up with
   MINGW interpreting CRs as
   commands or something

   somehow installer thing
   that chmod +x's the script
   and/or moves it to bin
   if necessary

   make random text selector
   better based on length,
   which would probably be
   so much easier in an actual
   programming language

   identify newline changes
   and write about that instead
   if no actual additions were
   made (impossible)

   exclude binary reading
   randomize order of files and
   shorten if there's a lot