
Ansible role to set up fail2ban in Debian-like systems

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Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Set up fail2ban in Debian-like systems.




  • fail2ban_loglevel: [default: 3, or INFO in Ubuntu 16.04]: Sets the loglevel output (e.g. 1 = ERROR, 2 = WARN, 3 = INFO, 4 = DEBUG)

  • fail2ban_logtarget: [default: /var/log/fail2ban.log]: Sets the log target. This could be a file, SYSLOG, STDERR or STDOUT

  • fail2ban_syslog_target: [default: /var/log/fail2ban.log]:

  • fail2ban_syslog_facility: [default: 1]:

  • fail2ban_socket: [default: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock]: Sets the socket file, which is used to communicate with the daemon

  • fail2ban_pidfile: [default: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.pid]: Sets the pid file, which is used to to store the process ID of the daemon (Only works on fail2ban >= 0.8.9)

  • fail2ban_ignoreips: [default: []]: Which IP address/CIDR mask/DNS host should be ignored from fail2ban's actions

  • fail2ban_bantime: [default: 600]: Sets the bantime

  • fail2ban_maxretry: [default: 3]: Maximum number of retries before the host is put into jail

  • fail2ban_findtime: [default: 600]: A host is banned if it has generated fail2ban_maxretry during the last fail2ban_findtime

  • fail2ban_backend: [default: auto]: Specifies the backend used to get files modification

  • fail2ban_banaction: [default: iptables-multiport]: Sets the global/default banaction

  • fail2ban_mta: [default: sendmail]: Email action

  • fail2ban_protocol: [default: tcp]: Sets the default protocol

  • fail2ban_chain: [default: INPUT]: Specifies the chain where jumps would need to be added in iptables-* actions

  • fail2ban_action: [default: %(action_)s]: Default action. Note that variables (including the actions defined elsewhere in the config files) must be wrapped in python-style %( and )s so they are expanded

  • fail2ban_sendername: [default: Fail2ban]: The 'from' name for emails sent by mta actions. NB: Use fail2ban_sender to set the 'from' email address.

  • fail2ban_sender: [optional]: The 'from' address for emails sent by mta actions.

  • fail2ban_filterd_path: [optional]: Path to directory containing filters to copy (note the trailing slash)

  • fail2ban_actiond_path: [optional]: Path to directory containing actions to copy (note the trailing slash)

  • fail2ban_jaild_path: [optional]: Path to directory containing jails to copy (note the trailing slash)

  • fail2ban_services [default see defaults/main.yml]: Service definitions

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.name [required]: Service name (e.g. ssh)

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.enabled [default: true]: Whether or not enabled

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.* [optional]: Name of the option

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.*.* [optional]: Value of the option





- hosts: all
    - fail2ban

Enable sshd filter (with non-default settings)

- hosts: all
    - fail2ban
      # In older versions of Fail2Ban this is called ssh
      - name: sshd
        port: 2222
        maxretry: 5
        bantime: -1

Add custom filters (from outside the role)

- hosts: all
    - fail2ban
    fail2ban_filterd_path: ../../../files/fail2ban/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/
      - name: apache-wordpress-logins
        port: http,https
        filter: apache-wordpress-logins
        logpath: /var/log/apache2/access.log
        maxretry: 5
        findtime: 120



Author Information

Mischa ter Smitten (based on work of ANXS)

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!