
Basic collectd docker image. Sends stats to your influxdb specified by 'docker run' env vars.

Primary LanguageSmarty


Generic collectd 5.6 docker image. Sends stats to your influxdb specified by 'docker run' env vars.

unixsock plugin

The container activates collectd's unixsock plugin with unix domain socket /var/run/collectd-unixsock

If you want the host machine to write to this socket (because you have stats that you want sent to collectd and then to a TSDB like InfluxDB), then docker run with -v /run:/var/run (in the case of ubuntu).

Example usage

Pulling from Docker Hub:

$ docker run -dit --name mycollectd -v /run:/var/run -e HOST_NAME=collectd-host -e INFLUXDB_PORT_25826_UDP_ADDR=influxdb.monitoring.default.example.com -e INFLUXDB_PORT_25826_UDP_PORT=25826 donn/collectd-docker

Or use docker-compose.yml file.

See also:
