
Stream Lichess TV to Twitch from a Container

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Builds a container for streaming Lichess TV to Twitch.


  • Save your Twitch API key in a file called twitch.env outside the repo, in the form:
    STREAM_KEY=live_keygoes here
  • Build the container image
    podman build -t lichess_streamer:latest .
  • Run the container image
    podman run --env-file ../twitch.env lichess_streamer:latest


  • Base image is Alpine Linux
  • Mozilla Firefox - This is essentially the video source for our stream.
  • ffmpeg - This is video capture, transcoding and transmitting of the source to Twitch.
  • Xvfb - A X virtual framebuffer which is a display server implementing the X11 display server protocol. This is what Firefox is drawn too and what ffmpeg will capture from.
  • xdotool - Resize Firefox to be full screen, it seems while kiosk mode is meant to make it full screen, the lack of a window manager seems to be stopping it.


There were a few things I still need to look at.

  • Make the 'browser's address configurable to make it a more general.
  • Possibly in my example I could avoid adding the repositories to the container and instead use the --repository command line argument of apk add.
  • Allow the ENDPOINT to be configured via envfile as well. See [Recommended Ingest Endpoints For You][3] page in the Twitch help for list of endpoints.
  • The libx264 usage seems to prevent Mozilla Firefox from being able to view the stream, I have to use Microsoft Edge to view it instead.
  • If the Xvfb set-up could be baked into the image so it always loads on start-up that would be nice.
  • Remove the menu bar and Previously on Lichess TV text. I originally attempted this with a Python script using Selenium and then again with a TamperMonkey script which worked well except at the end of the match where the page essentially reloads, they come back.


  • Update the stream description to mention who is playing. This involves detecting when the game finishes and hit an API call on Twitch.
  • Post in chat the link for the completed match so viewers can use the analysis tools from Lichess' website.


  • Enable the game sounds - Firefox has blocked them by default and I am not sure how to re-enable them without a mouse and interactive session.