
A snake game made entirely in the BIOS

Primary LanguageAssembly


A snake game made entirely in the BIOS.

Based on my other snake game.

It's 114 bytes including all the code used to initialize the hardware (the rest of the BIOS is filled with zeros).


nasm bios.asm -o snake.raw


qemu-system-i386 -display curses -bios snake.raw -plugin contrib/plugins/libips.so,ips=2000

The game will take some time to initialize the hardware, then you just need to use the numpad arrows to control the snake movement.

If you don't have a numpad you can compile with

nasm bios.asm -o snake.raw -D NONUMPAD

And then use the keypad.

Here it is as a QR Code (made with qrencode -r <(sed 's/\x00*$//' snake.raw) -8 -o qr.png)