
templates for rail

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Template

This file contains Rails templates that we use at Jayway.

It is used to create a new project with Jayway specific defaults. It creates the Rails structure, runs "bundle install", runs the generators and then checks it all into a new Git repository. It also downloads files from this directory for setting up spork and livereload.


rails new NAME -m http://github.com/andersjanmyr/jayway-templates/raw/master/rails_template.rb




  • rpec and rspec-rails, replaces test_unit
  • factory_girl replaces yaml-fixtures
  • cucumber is installed for integration testing


  • HAML replaces ERB, the generators are included in this repo
  • SimpleForm for forms
  • SASS, with the new dialect SCCS replaces CSS
  • jQuery and jQuery UI, replaces PrototypJS