
A boilerplate for Sinatra including PostCSS.

Primary LanguageRuby

Sinatra Seed

My sinatra seed app.

Demo (takes a few seconds to load if its been inactive for a while)

Tools Used

  • Sinatra - a Ruby MVC framework
  • Sinatra-Contrib - useful extensions for Sinatra apps
  • Haml - html templating
  • ActiveRecord - database mapping
  • PostCSS - css pre-processor
  • Gulp - task runner
  • Shotgun & Tux - for development, automatic app reloads and a REPL

Getting started

  • Clone the project onto your machine
  • Run bundle install --without production to install Ruby gems
  • Run npm install to install npm dependencies
  • Run rake db:migrate to ensure database migrations are up to date
  • Run rake db:setup to populate the development database


  • Run shotgun --server=thin --port=9292 config.ru to start local server. Any time a change is made to your app, it is automatically loaded in
  • Run gulp to compile static assets
  • Run gulp watch to automatically compile any change assets
  • Run gulp serve to start BrowserSync

Adding Models

  • Run rake db:create_migration NAME=create_#### (where #### is the name of the model) to setup database migrations
  • Run rake db::migrate to add to table to the database

For more tasks, run rake -T to setup the development database


  • Create a Heroku instance
  • Deploy!
  • Run rake db:migrate to ensure database migrations are up to date
  • Run rake db:setup to populate the production database

Project Structure

  • app/
    • controllers/ - routes and logic
    • helpers/ - small utility functions
    • models/ - ActiveRecord::Base subclasses
  • config/ - config files, such as the database configuration
  • db/ - the database schema and migrations
  • public/ - compiled frontend assets
    • css/
    • js/
  • setup/ - setup files which load in libraries etc.
  • src/ - src files for frontend assets
    • css/
    • js/
  • views/ - haml templates
  • app.rb - starting point of the app

© Donny Burnside 2016