Copy the templates folder into your current templates
You need to have the following packages installed for this to work properly The image is expected to be build on a functional director.
sudo yum -y install libguestfs-xfs libguestfs-tools openscap-scanner scap-security-guide
Add to following to your deployment script
-e /home/stack/templates/disable-stigged-services.yaml \
-e /home/stack/templates/post-deploy-stig.yaml \
If you are stigging the generic rhel-7-kvm-image, please edit the export variable at the top of with the file name of the image you would like to harden.
sed -i "s/export image=overcloud-full.qcow2/export image=rhel-server-7.4-x86_64-kvm.qcow2/g"
The either select no when asked if you should start from a fresh image, or edit the export variable
export genericimage=n
Make the script executable
chmod +x
The script will then ask
RHN Username:
RHN password (doesn't echo):
Subscritpion pool id:
Select a Profile (copy and paste):
Do you want to apply addtional hardening from ssg-supplemental?
If you choose to execute the addtional hardening, please ensure contains the hardening scripts you want to be performed.
Execute the stig-overcloud script
Get a cup of coffee
Deploy your stigged image
Get another cup of coffee
Rock on
You will need your RHN username, password and a pool id to get software from Red Hat for the overcloud image
Why does this exist
Many openstack users just want to get it up and running,
and security of the cloud is an after thought. With this simple script
You can deploy your openstack cloud and have a better security profile
OOB. It takes ten minutes... SECURE YOUR STUFF
Currently there is a scheduling issue when deploying using whole cloud images So by default whole-cloud-images has been disabled