
Ruby image for the heroku-docker project

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku Ruby Docker Image

This image is for use with Heroku Docker CLI.


Your project must contain the following files:

Then create an app.json file in the root directory of your application with at least these contents:

  "name": "Your App's Name",
  "description": "An example app.json for heroku-docker",
  "image": "heroku/ruby"

Install the heroku-docker toolbelt plugin:

$ heroku plugins:install heroku-docker

Initialize your app:

$ heroku docker:init
Wrote Dockerfile
Wrote docker-compose.yml

And run it with Docker Compose:

$ docker-compose up web

The first time you run this command, Bundler will download all dependencies into the container, precompile your assets (using the assets:precompile rake task), build your application, and then run it. Subsequent runs will use cached dependencies (unless your GemfileorGemfile.lock` has changed).

You'll be able to access your application at http://<docker-ip>:8080, where <docker-ip> is either the value of running boot2docker ip if you are on Mac or Windows. If you're running it natively, you'll need to use docker inspect to find the IPAddress key.