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SFNet pretrained model
#160 opened by purse1996 - 7
Question about the inference speed of SFNet
#156 opened by wondervictor - 2
train error
#164 opened by lucasjinreal - 0
RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [512, 1024, 3, 3], expected input[1, 256, 64, 64] to have 1024 channels, but got 256 channels instead
#169 opened by Huhaobangbangbang - 0
您好,《Spherical Criteria for Fast and Accurate 360◦Object Detection》论文的代码可以提供一下吗?
#168 opened by philiperss - 0
AttributeError: 'RandomSampler' object has no attribute 'num_samples'
#167 opened by Derrick-Gilchrist - 0
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SFNET: what's difference between x,fpn_dsn?
#165 opened by jinmingyi1998 - 2
How to train models on custom dataset?
#103 opened by dzwallkilled - 19
mIoU of SFNet is much lower than 78.9%
#162 opened by perrying - 7
where is the FAM
#138 opened by lvzhengyi0204 - 1
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Where can I find FAM?
#151 opened by David-19940718 - 1
#163 opened by Truring - 0
When to write an reid project :>
#161 opened by guanyonglai - 2
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Weird memory allocation, leading to OOM easily.
#159 opened by wondervictor - 0
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Pytorch >1.3.0
#154 opened by BorisChen1998 - 5
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about sfnet
#152 opened by hudfdfdf - 2
where are the num_cuda file, nums_cpu file, etc?
#114 opened by iamryanchia - 0
Error compiling objects for extension
#153 opened by dearladyli - 1
- 0
RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0. Got 693 and 694 in dimension 3 at ../aten/src/TH/generic/THTensor.cpp:711
#148 opened by ljmiao - 0
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Question about the performance of deeplabv3
#144 opened by Shun14 - 0
#145 opened by weiheshiqingchun - 0
how to count the weights of loss in seg
#143 opened by zyz207 - 2
ValueError: Expected more than 1 value per channel when training, got input size 1
#141 opened by zhaoliu5254 - 0
Backbone Error using deeplabv3
#142 opened by TomSirLiu - 1
In pose model,I find the class ProposalLayer,which model section use this layer?
#140 opened by wawltor - 0
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get only mIOU 73.8% of PSPNet?
#137 opened by ianz27 - 0
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AttributeError: 'RandomSampler' object has no attribute 'set_epoch' when det train
#125 opened by qrsforever - 0
where is yolov3_loss
#124 opened by MiniBullLab - 1
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pretrained_models of openpose
#118 opened by yjh100 - 0
No picture show in readme
#116 opened by Lin-Zhipeng - 4
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assert isinstance(dc, DataContainer), type(dc) AssertionError: <class 'torch.Tensor'> when running test
#111 opened by jerryzhou3 - 1
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subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/pmy/anaconda3/bin/python',
#107 opened by web3-panpan - 3
where is the pretrained.pth file?
#110 opened by iamryanchia - 2
About Quick Start
#105 opened by Seanlocked - 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchvision'
#104 opened by CZMHHH - 1
AssertionError: <class 'torch.Tensor'>
#101 opened by yangninghua