This plugin has been successfully tested for the following cases:
- Linux: Slic3r's stable versions 1.1.7 and 1.2.9 (tests done under a Raspberry Pi 2, but it should work for other Linux distributions).
- Windows: Slic3r works for version 1.2.9, not doing it for version 1.1.7.
In order to install the plugin, go to Settings -> Plugin Manager and click on 'Get more...':
You'll see an option to add it from an URL. Add https://github.com/javierma/OctoPrint-Slic3r/archive/master.zip an click on 'Install' button.
At this moment, the plugin will be installed, but Slic3r must be downloaded and configured, which can be done following these steps:
- If OctoPrint is running under a Raspberry Pi, you can use the following script to install Slic3r (unfortunately precompiled packages do not work for RPI's architecture). For that purpose, copy the following code in a file (i.e. slic3r_install.sh).
echo "Shell script created by Javier Martínez Arrieta for Slic3r installation\n"
#Ask the user for a version
echo "Please indicate which version you desire to be installed (e.g. 1.1.7)"
read version
echo "The installation of Slic3r takes a long time. PLease be patient"
cd $HOME
echo "Installing required libraries and dependencies..."
sudo apt-get install git libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev git-core build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libwx-perl libmodule-build-perl libnet-dbus-perl cpanminus libextutils-cbuilder-perl gcc-4.7 g++-4.7 libwx-perl libperl-dev
sudo cpanm AAR/Boost-Geometry-Utils-0.06.tar.gz Math::Clipper Math::ConvexHull Math::ConvexHull::MonotoneChain Math::Geometry::Voronoi Math::PlanePath Moo IO::Scalar Class::XSAccessor Growl::GNTP XML::SAX::ExpatXS PAR::Packer
echo "Cloning Slic3r repository..."
git clone https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r.git
cd Slic3r
git checkout $version
echo "Building and testing Scli3r..."
sudo perl Build.PL
echo "If everything was installed properly,you should be able to run Slic3r with the command ./slic3r.pl"
- Save the file and allow execution giving permission. Using a terminal, it would be chmod +x slic3r_install.sh (or the name given t the file).
chmod +x slic3r_install.sh
- Now that you have permission to execute it, type ./slic3r_install.sh and press 'Enter'. If it is the first time executing the installer, take into account that it can take about 30 minutes or even more.
- At the beggining of the installation, you will be asked which version should be installed (available versions at http://slic3r.org/download)
- Execute OctoPrint and go to Settings (or restart when you are asked after installing the plugin). Slic3r should appear in Plugins list:
- In 'General', you should put the following path for the executable (supposing the execution of the script, the path would be /home/pi/Slic3r/slic3r.pl). Note: If running in Windows, write the path to slic3r-console:
- Before importing the profile, you have to export a file with the Slic3r's configuration. For that purpose, open Slic3r, and select File-> Export Config...
- Save the file with the desired name (e.g. config.ini):
- Once done, in 'Profiles' click 'Import Profile...' button:
- Click on 'Browse...' and search for the profile. Once done, save with the name and identifier wished by clicking 'Confirm':
- Click 'Save' to confirm Slic3r settings:
- Now you can slice your stl files: