
Experimental Go version of superfastmatch

Primary LanguageGo


Superfastmatch is a tool for bulk comparison of text. It enables you to discover the longest common substrings between one document and millions of others.


One of:

  • 64 bit Linux
  • 64 bit Windows
  • 64 bit OS-X

and a working install of Mongo DB 2.2 or higher. Details here

Installation from source

Go 1.1 is required to build (installation instructions here). Also required are git, bzr and mercurial to enable the dependencies to be checked out.

mkdir gopath
cd gopath
export GOPATH=`pwd`
go get github.com/donovanhide/superfastmatch
./bin/superfastmatch -logtostderr

Example usage

Compare the works of Dickens for Biblical influence

Start superfastmatch in one terminal:

$ ./superfastmatch -logtostderr
2013/01/27 22:58:56 Started in standalone mode with Hash Width: 24 and Window Size: 30
2013/01/27 22:58:56 Starting Posting Server on:
2013/01/27 22:58:56 Starting Queue Processor
2013/01/27 22:58:56 Starting Posting Server on:
2013/01/27 22:58:56 Starting API server on: 22:58:56 Initialising Posting Server with Window Size: 30 Hash Width: 24 Size: 8388608 Offset: 0 22:58:56 Posting Server Initialised with 0 documents in 0.01 secs Average: 0.00 secs/doc 22:58:56 Initialising Posting Server with Window Size: 30 Hash Width: 24 Size: 8388608 Offset: 8388608 22:58:56 Posting Server Initialised with 0 documents in 0.00 secs Average: 0.00 secs/doc

In another load some books by Charles Dickens:

$ ./superfastmatch client add fixtures/gutenberg/Dickens.tar.gz 
Entering:	Dickens.tar.gz
Command: Add Document Target: (1,1)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   1	Title: bleak_house.txt	QueueId: 5105b40e7b1d26385300000d
Command: Add Document Target: (1,2)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   2	Title: christmas_carol.txt	QueueId: 5105b40e7b1d26385300000e
Command: Add Document Target: (1,3)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   3	Title: david_copperfield.txt	QueueId: 5105b40e7b1d26385300000f
Command: Add Document Target: (1,4)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   4	Title: great_expectations.txt	QueueId: 5105b40e7b1d263853000010
Command: Add Document Target: (1,5)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   5	Title: hard_times.txt	QueueId: 5105b40e7b1d263853000011
Command: Add Document Target: (1,6)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   6	Title: little_dorrit.txt	QueueId: 5105b40f7b1d263853000012
Command: Add Document Target: (1,7)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   7	Title: old_curiosity_shop.txt	QueueId: 5105b40f7b1d263853000013
Command: Add Document Target: (1,8)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   8	Title: oliver_twist.txt	QueueId: 5105b40f7b1d263853000014
Command: Add Document Target: (1,9)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:   9	Title: pickwick_papers.txt	QueueId: 5105b40f7b1d263853000015
Command: Add Document Target: (1,10)
Added:	Doctype:   1	Docid:  10	Title: tale_of_two_cities.txt	QueueId: 5105b40f7b1d263853000016
Successes: 10	 Failures:0

And then search for the bible in this collection of documents:

$ ./superfastmatch client search fixtures/gutenberg/bible.txt.gz 
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  3728816	Right:    48538	Length:       67	Text: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a st...
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  3728739	Right:    48461	Length:       55	Text: So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  3532111	Right:    48773	Length:       41	Text: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  2299962	Right:   561545	Length:       40	Text: enter not into judgment with thy servant
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  3608991	Right:  1528396	Length:       34	Text: the labourer is worthy of his hire
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:    68502	Right:   978540	Length:       33	Text: e up early in the morning, and to
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   105106	Right:   978540	Length:       33	Text: e up early in the morning, and to
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  1460766	Right:   978540	Length:       32	Text: e up early in the morning, and t
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:    12745	Right:     7100	Length:       31	Text: from the face of the earth; and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:    31014	Right:   360067	Length:       31	Text: a mighty hunter before the LORD
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  1199228	Right:   978539	Length:       31	Text: be up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  3439534	Right:  1249000	Length:       31	Text: marrying and giving in marriage
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:    71574	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   235452	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   239383	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   302791	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   350278	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   593938	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   876859	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:   880393	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  1141838	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:bleak_house.txt (1,1)	Left:  1968978	Right:   978540	Length:       30	Text: e up early in the morning, and
Doc:old_curiosity_s (1,7)	Left:  2378359	Right:  1082552	Length:       32	Text: heap coals of fire upon his head
Doc:old_curiosity_s (1,7)	Left:  1738254	Right:   462753	Length:       31	Text: and married fourteen wives, and
Doc:old_curiosity_s (1,7)	Left:  3684636	Right:   489980	Length:       30	Text: very early in the morning, the
Doc:great_expectati (1,4)	Left:  3651100	Right:   944296	Length:       31	Text: went up into the temple to pray
Doc:pickwick_papers (1,9)	Left:  1942291	Right:  1730970	Length:       37	Text: he had neither father nor mother, and
Doc:pickwick_papers (1,9)	Left:  1139565	Right:   401542	Length:       34	Text: on the other side: and there was a
Doc:pickwick_papers (1,9)	Left:  1838405	Right:    19021	Length:       30	Text: thousand eight hundred and twe
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746360	Right:   628647	Length:       63	Text: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall h...
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746360	Right:   630608	Length:       63	Text: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall h...
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746360	Right:   754350	Length:       63	Text: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall h...
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746431	Right:   754415	Length:       56	Text: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746431	Right:   628712	Length:       40	Text: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3746431	Right:   630673	Length:       40	Text: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3063584	Right:   527721	Length:       33	Text: the pavement by the side of the g
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:    12745	Right:   475309	Length:       31	Text: from the face of the earth; and
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:   342333	Right:   475304	Length:       31	Text: them from the face of the earth
Doc:tale_of_two_cit (1,10)	Left:  3528147	Right:   667929	Length:       30	Text: when all these things shall be
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  3608991	Right:  1414177	Length:       34	Text: the labourer is worthy of his hire
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  3549670	Right:  1693887	Length:       32	Text: According to the custom of the p
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  2479377	Right:   149352	Length:       31	Text: n from generation to generation
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  2597837	Right:   149352	Length:       31	Text: n from generation to generation
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  2856706	Right:   149352	Length:       31	Text: n from generation to generation
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  1838405	Right:   501606	Length:       30	Text: thousand eight hundred and twe
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  3140105	Right:   937056	Length:       30	Text: very early in the morning, and
Doc:little_dorrit.t (1,6)	Left:  3716920	Right:   467952	Length:       30	Text: stood on the other side of the
Doc:christmas_carol (1,2)	Left:  3508953	Right:   137229	Length:       53	Text: And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them
Doc:christmas_carol (1,2)	Left:  1533926	Right:    99706	Length:       32	Text: and their children's children: a
Doc:christmas_carol (1,2)	Left:  3406634	Right:   137250	Length:       32	Text: and set him in the midst of them
Doc:oliver_twist.tx (1,8)	Left:  3878715	Right:   796294	Length:       32	Text: Your blood be upon your own head
Doc:oliver_twist.tx (1,8)	Left:  1506502	Right:   376123	Length:       31	Text: that was brought into the house
Doc:oliver_twist.tx (1,8)	Left:  1507334	Right:   376123	Length:       31	Text: that was brought into the house
Doc:oliver_twist.tx (1,8)	Left:  1821376	Right:   376123	Length:       31	Text: that was brought into the house
Doc:oliver_twist.tx (1,8)	Left:  1822484	Right:   376123	Length:       31	Text: that was brought into the house
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  3445580	Right:  1002902	Length:       43	Text: have done it unto one of the least of these
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  3353872	Right:  1606967	Length:       38	Text: thieves do not break through nor steal
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:    68504	Right:  1057125	Length:       33	Text: up early in the morning, and took
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:   105108	Right:  1057125	Length:       33	Text: up early in the morning, and took
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  1698448	Right:   889032	Length:       31	Text: t was in the front of the house
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  1975302	Right:  1630106	Length:       31	Text: the wicked cease from troubling
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  3446288	Right:  1002917	Length:       31	Text: to one of the least of these, y
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  1460768	Right:  1057125	Length:       30	Text: up early in the morning, and t
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  2598653	Right:   879087	Length:       30	Text: s, and laid the foundations of
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  3208034	Right:   673473	Length:       30	Text: ers into the hand of the child
Doc:david_copperfie (1,3)	Left:  3354972	Right:   653547	Length:       30	Text: toil not, neither do they spin

Successes: 0	 Failures:0