- 1
Always true condition.
#122 opened by dimensi - 2
Breaks inline SVG's viewBox
#119 opened by codysherman - 1
- 4
Option to skip the auto trim
#106 opened by ferdinando-ferreira - 13
- 0
backslash problem
#120 opened by smalllong - 6
Don't work with Angular 2 template syntax
#116 opened by desaroger - 3
Rename/update to Pug 2 (html2pug)
#113 opened by danielbayley - 2
Please support IE conditional comments
#117 opened by Dan503 - 3
what's wrong with this ? May be some bugs ?
#114 opened by xgqfrms-GitHub - 1
Tags options always true.
#112 opened by dimensi - 1
#110 opened by danperor - 3
Datalist aren't converting properly
#109 opened by seanmavley - 2
Not generating nested elements
#105 opened by scarrick68 - 1
Migrate to ES6
#104 opened by tb - 2
Strip server language tags
#103 opened by jonscottclark - 17
Does not work under Node 0.11.x and 0.12.x
#87 opened by resistdesign - 5
Does not work with *.html on Windows
#90 opened by ashjs - 1
--bodyless in Gulp task
#101 opened by Sulcalibur - 0
You can not convert that there is a pre
#99 opened by misak1 - 9
Current version adds unnecessary empty | lines
#93 opened by DomiR - 1
- 3
omit commas between attributes
#96 opened by focusaurus - 1
Bad nesting conversion
#92 opened by donpark - 8
Modifies actual text when it shouldn't while using
#91 opened by doivosevic - 10
Spaces getting removed
#76 opened by rmdort - 2
- 2
Add Convert from EJS support
#88 opened by pr1ntr - 2
Bug in conversion of div with class
#84 opened by dbryand - 1
- 2
Multiple attributes render incorrectly
#86 opened by dbryand - 3
`code` tag test output is wrong and incomplete
#77 opened by donpark - 2
How do I indent using tabs while conversion
#82 opened by lekhnath - 1
Option description
#81 opened by sshmyg - 3
script type javascript fails to compile as filter
#80 opened by caqu - 2
Syntax error
#79 opened by Wolfr - 1
Script tag missing . at the end.
#78 opened by cv711 - 11
Nesting Issues with self-closing tags
#74 opened by colelawrence - 2
- 8
- 6
it turns texts to something wrong
#70 opened by jzthekeeper - 2
- 4
Possible to generate without html and body?
#69 opened by Wolfr - 1
!!! 5 no longer supported
#65 opened by sandro-pasquali - 2
npm install -g html2jade failing
#64 opened by MattCowski - 3
escaped characters are wrongly translated into html. e.g. < becomes > while it shouldn't be
#57 opened by Abdelkrim - 2
Error: Unknown encoding
#53 opened by jwerre - 0
Support non UTF-8 encodings
#54 opened by donpark - 1 we can not access
#52 opened by zhangyaochun - 4
.jade converted with the html file inside
#51 opened by geedmo