
An Easy Way For Android Developers To Set Font Styles for Views

Primary LanguageJava


An Easy Way For Android Developers To Set Font Styles for TextViews

This Small Piece of development should assist developers in setting typefaces for TextView/TextViews and also take off the stress of always trying to Call on Typeface.createFromAsset(....); on every Textview or an Instance of TextView e.g Buttons.

To set the TypeFace for a particular TextView instance all you need do is :

TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.myText); FontStyleFactory.setFontForView(context, myTextView, StyleConstants.GENERAL_APP_FONT);

To set the TypeFace for a group of TextView instance all you need do is :

Initialize all Your TextView Instance First.

setHbFirstName((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_first_name)); setHbLastName((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_last_name)); setHbEmailAddress((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_email)); setHbMobileNumber((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_mobile)); setHbPassword((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_password)); setHbSignUpBtn((Button)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_btn)); setHbSex((Spinner)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_sex)); setHbDateOfBirth((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_dob)); setHbAddress((EditText)findViewById(R.id.hb_sign_up_address)); View[] views = {hbFirstName, hbLastName,hbEmailAddress, hbMobileNumber, hbSignUpBtn, hbPassword,hbSex, hbDateOfBirth, hbAddress};
	FontStyleFactory.setFontForAllViews(this, views, StyleConstants.GENERAL_APP_FONT);


The StyleConstants should only contain static String variable which holds values of a TFF (font files) file name in the android asset directory.