
An advanced IRC bot in ruby. Redis message bus and in-channel javascript function creation.

Primary LanguageRuby

IRC bot Framework

The core is neuron.rb which passes messages between an IRC server and a redis server.

The bot is extended by writing apps that use redis to listen/send messages to the bot and the current irc channel. Any language that has a redis binding will work (no irc support needed). The directory lib/neuron/dentrites/ has example modules.


# Clone the repo
$ git clone git://github.com/donpdonp/neuronirc.git
# Configure settings.json
$ cp settings.json.sample settings.json
$ vi settings.json
{  "server" : "irc.freenode.net",
   "nick"   : "neuronbot"

# Start the daemon and the dendrites(bot modules)
$ ./neuron start
Sent start to:

# Status
$ ./neuron
neuron is running as nick: neuronbot
neurond(pid:29575): up

  bye(pid:29585): up
  calc(pid:29595): up
  hello(pid:29605): up

# Tell the bot to join a channel
$ ./neuron join '#somechannel'
{"command"=>"join", "message"=>"#somechannel"}

# Restart the dendrites (after updating lib/neuron/dentrites/*)
$ ./neuron restart
Sent restart to:

# Stop the dendrites and quit the daemon
$ ./neuron quit
Sent stop to:
Killing bluepilld[29382]

metajs module

The metajs module lets users in IRC define methods in javascript for the bot to execute.

irc> js list
neuronbot: funcs: ["donpdonp/byebye"]

irc> js add newthing function(msg){ if(/^do it/.test(msg["message"])){ return "I did it"}}
neuronbot: added method newthing (69 bytes)

irc> do it
neuronbot: I did it

irc> js list
neuronbot: funcs: ["donpdonp/byebye", "donpdonp/doit"]

the js API for metajs

function(msg){ return "message" }

input: {message: "Text of message from irc",
        target: "#channel-name"}

return: "string" - bot speaks string into the channel that the msg came from
        {target: "#other-channel", message: "I heard you"} - specify a channel