
My thesis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

ESP32 Tour Tracker

The written thesis and presentation can be found at /docs. (German)


This server allows a user to register / login, create an API-Key and connect a Tracker via this Key.
Data can then be viewed as charts and on a map.

Technology's used


  • MDBootstrap
  • Chart.js
  • Google Maps
  • SweetAlert2


  • Docker + Compose
  • Prisma & mySQL
  • Node.js
  • Auth0
  • Caddy 2
  • Gulp

Things I would do different


Would definitely switch out JavaScript for Typescript.
Didn't really like Auth0, so I would probably use SuperTokens or Passportjs.


Since most of the data rendered on the frontend already comes from the API,
I would either use  Svelte or React.

  • Components are mostly easier to work with than template literals
  • easier Reactive Content

I would also switch out Gulp for either Webpack or Vite / Rollup.

Closing Word

Overall, I'm pretty happy how this project turned out, even tough the code is a bit rough around the edge.


routes api keys notifications nav / upload map charts server