Self-Learning App - Team 1 BE


  • To begin, you would need to create a fork of the repository`
  • You can then clone the forked repository on your local computer.
  • Each feature you work on will be done in a separate branch. Each new branc should be named by the feature being worked on. You can use namings like "feature/newsLetter". To create a new branch, run git checkout -b branch_name (where branch_name is the name of the new branch being created.)

Staying Updated

When working with many people on the same codebase, sometimes others make changes that affect your work. While great care has been taken to create a modular team workflow to keep this to a minimum, merge conflicts are inevitable. It would not be nice to finish working on a task or feature, only to find that the codebase has evolved and you need to rework everything to conform to the new changes. This is managed in two ways.
First, make sure your understand the folder structure and stick to it.
Second, each team member needs to make sure that at every given time, their working directory is up-to-date with the latest changes from the upstream development branch. This is achieved with a two-fold process.

Pulling Upstream

After setting up your fork on github and cloning it locally on your system, you'll need to run a command just once to create a connection between your local repository and the remote upstream repository. Note that there's automatically a remote 'origin' repository set up when you clone. This points to your fork. Now you need to set up 'upstream' which will point to the central upstream repo.

  • Open a terminal and go into the directory for the newly cloned repo. Now add the upstream remote like so:
    git remote add upstream

PS: You may get an error saying the upstream remote has already been configured. If so, then you are good to go.

Now you're all set up.
The following steps must be run periodically to keep your work up-to-date! You can run these commands as often as possible. You want to fetch any new changes as soon as possible. Each time you want to begin working, or take a break from your work, run these first.
Be sure to commit all local changes first.

  1. Switch to the development branch
    git checkout development
  2. Get all remote upstream changes into your local computer.
    git pull upstream development
  3. Push the newly merged changes to your fork's remote (online) repo. This is configured as 'origin' by default.
    git push origin development

If you've created a new branch to work on rather than working directly on development, then run the next steps.

  1. Switch to your feature branch.

    git checkout your-feature-branch
  2. Merge the changes on the newly merged development branch, into your feature branch.

    git merge development

    You may encounter merge conflicts here. Resolve them, then come back and complete the merge. If you merge often enough, any conflicts would be trivial and very few.

  3. Finally, push your newly merged feature branch to the remote github server for backup.

    git push origin your-feature-branch
Pull Requests

Once you are done working on your feature, you may go on to to create a pull request between your fork and the project repo.

The git procedures may look like a lot at first glance. It's okay. You've still got this. You will get a hang of it in no time

This will be the file and folder structure
├── controllers  
├── database  
├── middlewares 
├── models 
├── routes   
├── services  
└── views                     

Running the server

  • Don't forget to 'npm install' after cloning the project!

  • Make sure to have a .env file with the information in the .env.example file. If at any point, your feature requires you to add a new env variable, be sure to include it in .env.example so that others can see and use it too

  • Command lines to start the server

    • To start server in development mode: 'npm run dev'
    • To start server in production mode: 'npm run start'

All the best!