
First Intermediate Web Dev project

Primary LanguageHTML

Intermediate Web Dev

Congratulations! You've made it to your first assignment. In this assignment, we will be growing our skills at working together as a team. The best way to work on a team is through version control.

Assignment Details

  • Make sure you've got git set up on your computer. You can use git through the command line or through GitHub Desktop
  • Fork this repository
  • In your new forked repository (you'll know it's yours because the name will look something like: username/int-web-dev), create a file in the students folder with your name and follow the instructions in the "Students Profile Page" section

Student Profile Page (your HTML page)

In this file, we'd like to know a little bit about you. Make sure to include at least:

  • 1 heading tag (h1-h6)
  • 3 paragraph tags
  • 2 external links
  • 1 ordered list
  • 1 unordered list
  • 1 image
  • 1 link to go back to the home page

Your student profile page should link to the main index.html page so that when your name is clicked, you are re-directed to your student profile page.

Bonus: Give us a little bit of style!


This assignment will considered turned in once your pull request has been accepted. Once that pull request has been accepted, you should be able to see your work at bot-webdev.surge.sh