Golang Library for StarkNet
Caigo is an MIT-licensed Go library for interacting with StarkNet.
Getting Started
- library documentation available at pkg.go.dev.
- curve example initializing the StarkCurve for signing and verification
- contract example for smart contract deployment and function call
- account example for Account initialization and invocation call
Run Examples
cd examples/curve
go mod tidy
go run main.go
starknet contract
cd examples/contract
go mod tidy
go run main.go
starknet account
cd examples/account
go mod tidy
go run main.go
Caigo RPC implements the StarkNet RPC Spec:
Method | Implemented (*) |
starknet_getBlockByHash |
starknet_getBlockByNumber |
starknet_getTransactionByHash |
starknet_getTransactionReceipt |
starknet_getClass |
starknet_getClassHashAt |
starknet_getClassAt |
starknet_call |
starknet_blockNumber |
starknet_chainId |
starknet_syncing |
starknet_getEvents |
starknet_addInvokeTransaction |
starknet_addDeployTransaction |
starknet_addDeclareTransaction |
starknet_estimateFee |
starknet_getBlockTransactionCountByHash |
starknet_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber |
starknet_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex |
starknet_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex |
starknet_getStorageAt |
starknet_getNonce |
starknet_getStateUpdate |
*starknet_traceBlockTransactions |
*starknet_traceTransaction |
(*) some methods are not implemented because they are not yet available from eqlabs/pathfinder.
Run Tests
go test -v ./...
Run RPC Tests
go test -v ./rpc -env [mainnet|devnet|testnet|mock]
Run Benchmarks
go test -bench=.
Compatibility and stability
Caigo is currently under active development and will under go breaking changes until the initial stable(v1.0.0) release. The example directories and *_test.go files should always be applicable for the latest commitment on the main branch. NOTE: examples and tests may be out of sync with tagged versions and pkg.go.dev documentation
If you find an issue/bug or have a feature request please submit an issue here Issues
If you are looking to contribute, please head to the Contributing section.