
Machine Learning Project Predicting Charter Closure

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Machine Learning Project Predicting Charter Closure



Nearly 550,000 students attend over 1,200 charter schools in California. Over the course of the past three school years, over 120 of those schools have been closed for a variety of reasons. With each closure, students and their families are left scrambling to find a different school – sometimes in the middle of a school year. The files in the repo organize school data from California and identify schools at-risk for closure using machine learning methods.

Overall Pipeline

After setting up initial databse configurations, the general process for analysis is:

I. Load data into the database using DB/clean_csv.py

a. Most data sets are located in Data folder, but some of too large to be stored

II. Organize tables and standardize format using DB/features_by_year_py, DB/wide-dropout.py, DB/wide-tests.py.

III. Pull features from database using Pipeline/select_stuff.py, where a row in an individual (school, year) combination for every year 2004-2015.

IV. Generate features and impute data using Pipeline/cleaning.py

V. Run models using Pipeline/pipeline.py

a. Analyze results using generated csv files.