
Small demo how to consume WebAPI services from a DevExtreme app

Primary LanguageCSS


DX JavaScript WebAPI Client Author: Don Wibier /DEVEXPRESS https://github.com/donwibier/DXDevExtremeWebAPI

Note: Though I have created and tested this in a DevExtreme application, it doesn't have dependencies on DevExtreme, and can be used with other frameworks as well.

Purpose: This package contains the JavaScript DX.WebAPI.Client which allows you to call WebAPI Action methods decorated with the [Authorize] attribute.

The class has all functionality buitl in to exchange the username / password for a bearer token, and also implements the functionality to get the configured external login providers like Facebook, Twitter etc. and get an authorization token from those parties, and exchange this token for protected WebAPI calls.

This will also work with Cordova based apps, by using the InAppBrowser Cordova plugin!

Usage: Initialize the WebAPI client like:

var client = new DX.WebAPI.Client(serviceRootUrl, globalEventsObj);

serviceRootUrl: The root location of your WebAPI service (Don't specify the /api/ )

globalEventsObject: An object which has events configured (specific to the application) which will be fired when global states for authorization change.


 function createWebAPIClient(applicationObj, serviceUrl) {
    var actionEvents = {
        signinAction: function (args, sender) {
            applicationObj.app.navigate('DXSignin', { root: true });
            DevExpress.ui.notify('The server requires you to login', 'error', 3000);
        authenticatedAction: function (args, sender) {
            DevExpress.ui.notify('You have been logged in successfully!', 'success', 3000);
        externalAuthenticatedAction: function (args, sender) {
            DevExpress.ui.notify('You have been logged in successfully!', 'success', 3000);
            applicationObj.app.navigate('home', { root: true });
        externalRegisteredAction: function (args, sender) {
            DevExpress.ui.notify('Your external account has been registered!', 'success', 3000);
        externalRegisterErrorAction: function (args, sender) {
            DevExpress.ui.notify('Registration failed', 'error', 3000);
        providersPopulatedAction: function (args, sender) {
            sender.loginProviders = ko.observableArray(sender.loginProviders);
            sender.hasProviders = ko.observable(args.length > 0);
        logoutAction: function (args, sender) {
            applicationObj.app.navigate('home', { root: true });

    var result = new DX.WebAPI.Client(serviceUrl, actionEvents);
    result.owner = applicationObj;
    /* Fetch the login providers from server and set correct redirectUrl */
    // Extend the db Client object with the Films DataSource
            pageSize: 20, 
            apiName: 'Films',  
            apiController: 'Films'/*, 
            apiListAction: '', 
            apiByKeyAction: '', 
            apiInsertAction: '', 
            apiUpdateAction: '', 
            apiRemoveAction: ''*/ 
    // Access the dataset through
    // db.data.Films.Datasource;
    return result;

window.db = createWebAPIClient(REPLACE_WITH_APP_OBJECT, 'http://mywebapiservice.com');
// for multichannel project
// window.db = new DX.WebAPI.Client(serviceConfig.db.url, actionEvents);	

// !!! Change the REPLACE_WITH_APP_OBJECT to your Application Object, 
//    also in dxsignin.js, dxregister.js and dxconfirmexternal.js on line 1 !!!

The DX.WebAPI.Client exposes the folowing properties:

baseUrl (string)
    The location of your WebAPI Service
controllerEndPoint (string = '/api') 
    The controller prefix path

tokenEndPoint (string '/Token')
    The endpoint for the Bearer token exchange

username (string)
    The authenticated user

loginProviders (array)
    The configured external authentication providers on the WebAPI server

hasProviders (boolean)
    Returns wether there are external authentication providers configured

The DX.WebAPI.Client exposes the following methods:

ajax(method, controllerName, actionMethod, dataObj, onSuccess, onFailure) 
post(controllerName, actionMethod, dataObj, onSuccess, onFailure) 
get(controllerName, actionMethod, dataObj, onSuccess, onFailure) 
put(controllerName, actionMethod, dataObj, onSuccess, onFailure) 
del(controllerName, actionMethod, dataObj, onSuccess, onFailure) 

login(username, password, onSuccess, onFailure) 

populateProviders: function(onPopulateAction)
externalLogin(provider, url) 

The onSuccess parameter:

function(args, sender){ /* your code */ }

The onFailure parameter:

function(err, sender){ /* your code */ }

External Authentication note: If you want to get e.g. Facebook login to work, configure the app on https://developer.facebook.com Insert the AppID and App Secret in the WebAPI/App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs

!!Important for Cordova!!

Place an empty html file in the root of your WebAPI project:
