
lecture notes and coding examples for Columbia coding with CORE initiative

Coding w/ CORE

A series of bi-weekly lessons in collaboration with CORE and ADI that will provide Columbia students with enough knowledge to create MVPs for a variety of different types of technology ventures.



  • Two hour sessions where the first hour consists of teaching and the second office hours/questions
  • A boilerplate codebase for each session to build your own project on top of
  • Interactive questions on your computer (like Codecademy or Codeschool) as you follow along during the session


  • Learning HTML/CSS through creating a splash page for your startup using Bootstrap
  • Javascript/jQuery tricks and tips
  • How to use APIs (using Mandrill for email, Twilio for texting, and Facebook as examples)
  • Angular.js
  • Node.js & Express
  • MongoDB
  • Deployment w/ Heroku, Digital Ocean, etc.


Please provide any feedback here so that I can improve this course.