
Information about cjdns

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[[!meta title="README"]] [[!tag README help]] #README [[!toc levels=4]]

This README is specific to this cjdns-wiki on mesh.neoretro. Users are encouraged to read all pages in the [[!taglink README]] category.




  • [[!taglink README]] Used to denote entries that should be read before starting anything. These pages help people gain entry-level knowledge of cjdns and how to use it.

  • [[!taglink help]] Used to tag entries containing helpful information, especially for getting started. Although most pages will be 'helpful' there may come a time when this is not true.

  • [[!taglink connected]] These pages are useful to those already connected to a cjdns network.

  • [[!taglink hype]] Pages regarding [[Hyperboria|cjdns-hyperboria]] and services specific to that network.

  • [[!taglink advanced]] This tag is used to group pages that are not required to get cjdns functioning on normal hardware. Following [[!taglink advanced]] may require additional or specialized knowledge.