
A quick example of creating a docker machine from your local terminal into a digital ocean droplet.


A quick example of creating a docker machine from your local terminal into a digital ocean droplet.

#Create a new droplet, install Docker, set the machine to active, set up the shell on the newly created machine.
docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-image ubuntu-16-04-x64 --digitalocean-access-token [ACCESS TOKEN HERE] [container-name] && docker-machine env [container-name] && eval $(docker-machine env [container-name])

Container Installs

docker run -d -p 8000:80 --name webserver1 kitematic/hello-world-nginx
docker run -d -p 8001:80 --name webserver2 kitematic/hello-world-nginx

.bash_profile shortcuts

#shortcut to edit .bash_profile and also source it
alias snbp='sudo nano /.bash_profile'
alias sbp='source /.bash_profile'

#docker-machine shortcuts
alias dmls='docker-machine ls'

#docker1 shortcuts
alias actdocker1='eval $(docker-machine env docker1) && echo -e "docker1 Activated!"'
alias sshdocker1='docker-machine ssh docker1'
alias lscdocker1='docker-machine ssh docker1 docker ps'
alias lsidocker1='docker-machine ssh docker1 docker images'