
Omnom the eater of APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Soon to be deprecated - please see work underway


Omnom the eater of APIs

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A HATEOAS API browsing webapp written in Clojurescript.


Omnom is very new - there is a great deal it does not do yet, here are some of the useful bits so far.

  • Sends simple GET and POST requests
  • Displays/pretty prints responses in a mixture of tables and lists
  • Builds requests using an analysis of the API specification effectively setting defaults to make traversing an API painless

See the issues for a hint of the roadmap.


  • Latest version of Google Chrome or Safari
  • A Protean instance running on port 3000/3001

API stability

Omnom is very new and will be subject to considerable change until it matures closer to a 1.0.0 release. We will not strive for backwards compatibility at this time but will preserve old releases as we move forwards with the software.



Download the latest version.

  • grab a tgz file from one of the latest releases
  • unpack the tgz wherever you like
  • open index.html in a Chrome or Safari
  • point Omnom at your Protean simulation


Figwheel build : lein figwheel dev Figwheel open : in a browser http://localhost:3449/dev.html

Production build : lein cljsbuild once prod Production open : in a browser http://localhost:3449/index.html