A simple webhook/app to be part of a zapier process to log credit-card purchases and allow the user to categorize them.
I have a filter on my gmail account that tags emails from the bank that alerts of purchases. Zapier checks in on that account every five minutes if it detects an email, it regexes the body text, then pushes an alert to my phone and also to this webhook with the following info:
"token": "secure_token_to_allow_access",
"card": "****1234",
"dt": "02:30 pm EST",
"amount": "$45.00",
"vendor": "amazon.com/pmt/"
from uuid import uuid4
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
dt = input_data["dt"]
dt = dt[:dt.find('m')+1].upper()
dttm = f"{now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} {dt}"
dttm = datetime.strptime(dttm, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p')
token = uuid4().hex
output = [
'token': token,
'card': input_data["card"],
'dt': dttm.isoformat(),
'vendor': input_data["vendor"].strip(),
'amount': input_data["amount"].replace('$','').strip()