- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#261 opened by renovate - 0
[FR] Roadmap for next UI components
#238 opened by hyochan - 1
Provide good samples for each component
#57 opened by yujonglee - 1
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#281 opened by renovate - 1
[FR] Ability to change loading color in [Button]
#256 opened by DevYuns - 4
[EditText] default padding in boxed type
#254 opened by DevYuns - 0
Add rightElement props to [Edittext]
#250 opened by DevYuns - 1
[FR] Apply and detect dark mode in storybook
#235 opened by hyochan - 1
- 0
[FR] Storybook v7 migration and doc refactoring
#239 opened by hyochan - 1
- 2
required import disappears when installed
#244 opened by DevYuns - 6
[FR] Image Slider offer
#103 opened by Juyeong-Byeon - 0
- 0
Contribution guide document's invalid links
#210 opened by WayneKim92 - 9
[Calendar] suggestion with Input Box.
#125 opened by devdubby - 2
Even if the app is set to dark mode in iOS, there is a problem that the dark mode theme does not apply when switching to the background.
#164 opened by Jay-flow - 2
[New feature] Progress bar development proposal
#155 opened by do02reen24 - 6
[Bug report]: demos are not working
#173 opened by Juyeong-Byeon - 8
Enhance [Accordion] usability
#107 opened by luke-hanwook - 3
Unable to use Prompt in [AlertDialog]
#118 opened by yujonglee - 5
[Tabs] Implement tab components
#95 opened by devdubby - 6
- 3
[Checkbox, SnackbarDefault] missing key prop
#94 opened by HeeYeonKim98 - 3
- 1
Support embedding default font
#126 opened by hyochan - 1
Theme support for packages
#142 opened by yujonglee - 1
- 1
- 2
[bug] FAB gap styling
#135 opened by Juyeong-Byeon - 1
Default theme is not applied
#104 opened by yujonglee - 3
- 11
- 7
Feature request for [AlertDialog]
#71 opened by hyochan - 6
Remove some chained ternaries
#45 opened by yujonglee - 3
Modify relative path to absolute path.
#93 opened by devdubby - 1
Not working Storybook on localhost
#81 opened by luke-hanwook - 3
dependency packages not installed automatically
#74 opened by Einere - 3
Wrong link in overview documentation
#83 opened by luke-hanwook - 2
[ButtonGroup] docs not rendering.
#60 opened by yujonglee - 2
Useless switch statement
#52 opened by yujonglee