Tech Tutorial Bot is a bot made using Discord.JS V14 Slash Commands. This bot is used in making Discord.JS V14 Tutorial Videos on the channel Tech Tip Cyber. It has all commands from basic to advanced. As tutorials are uploaded on YouTube the code will also be updated here.

🔗 Resource Links

✨ Features

  • The explanation for all the code is provided with the help of comments.
  • Easy to use with no errors.

🚀 Getting Started

All you need is to star this Repository and fork it. Then download the zip file. Unzip the file.

  • Create a folder
  • Do npm init in the console
  • Install all the NPM Packages, run npm i axios better-sqlite3 canvas cpu-stat discord.js moment mongoose ms openai os path quick.db tech-tip-cyber in the console
  • Change the Bot Token, MongoDB URl and OpenAI Api Key in config.json
  • Change the Server ID and Bot ID in src/functions/handlers/handleCommands.js

🤖 Commands

This bot has a wide range of commands, from the simplest to the most advanced.

  • Admin Commands
  • Advanced Suggestion System
  • Advanced Welcome System
  • Economy Commands similar to Dank Memer
  • Fun Commands
  • Information Commands
  • Moderation Commands
  • Search Commands

Here is the full list of commands:

🛡️ Admin Commands

Name Description
Add Role Add Role To A User
Create Role Create A Role With Customizable Options
Remove Role Remove Role From A User
Welcome Setup Setup Welcome System For Your Server
Welcome Remove Remove Welcome System From Your Server

💰 Economy Commands

The economy system of this bot resembles very much to that of the Dank Memer Bot.

Name Description
Balance Check Your Balance
Beg Beg For Money
Daily Get Your Daily Money
Search Search For Money In Various Places

😁 Fun Commands

Name Description
Advice Get A Random Advice
Country Get Information Of A Country
First Message Get The First Message Of The Channel
Ping Get The Ping Of The Bot
Reputation Give/View Reputation

ℹ️ Information Commands

Name Description
Bot Information Get The Information Of The Bot
Server Information Get The Information Of The Server
Uptime Get The Uptime Of The Bot
User Information Get The Information Of Any User

🛑️ Moderation Commands

Name Description
Ban Ban A User
Kick Kick A User
Temporarily Ban Temporarily Ban A User
Unban Unban A User

🔎️ Search Commands

Name Description
GitHub Get Information Of A User On GitHub
WikiPedia Get Information Of Any Query From WikiPedia

💡️ Suggestion System

A very advanced suggestion system, that will send the suggestion to admin channel and admin needs to approve it before sending it to a public channel.

Name Description
Suggest Suggest Something
Suggest Approve Approve The Suggestion And Send In A Public Channel
Suggest Decline Decline The Suggestion
Suggest Accept Accept The Suggestion

👋 Welcome System

A very advanced welcome system with custom welcome message, image, role and more.

Name Description
Welcome Setup Setup Welcome System For Your Server
Welcome Remove Remove Welcome System From Your Server

🚧 In Progress Commands

  • Admin Commands
  • Moderation Commands
  • Music System

🤝 Support Us

  • Discord

  • YouTube