
Quickly build a tierlist for your favourite TV shows, movies, anime or manga. Written using Typescript and React.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tierlist creator

Create a tierlist for your favourite tv shows, movies, anime or manga. More item types may be added if I can find public APIs for them.


What's a tierlist?

Tierlists are just charts where the items are sorted into tiers based on how "good" that item is. Originally used rank video game characters' viability in a competitive setting, its usage has spread to pretty much anything: fast food chains, candy, and of course fictional characters.

For example, a quick Game of Thrones tierlist I made with my app. S-tier meaning I love the character, C-tier being neutral feelings, and F-tier being hated.

Game of Thrones tierlist example

P.S. the chart above only considers seasons 1-7. 😉

Implementation details

  • Built using Typescript and React
  • Firebase backend, check it out here
  • The majority of components are functional using React Hooks
  • CSS styling is written with mobile-first in mind
  • Component library: material-ui
  • TV show and movie data fetched from theTBDB's API
  • Anime and manga data fetched from Jikan's API
  • Static front-end served using Github Pages


  • Refactor ListMaker because it's getting big
  • Manage/delete old localStorage data? Have a delete button?
  • Paginate search results for TVDB API requests
  • Have a "show more" option for Jikan API requests
  • Take a look at some good open-source Typescript React projects for inspiration on proper application folder structure and organization
  • How to handle the refresh use-case when deployed to Github Pages?

Future changes

  • Customizable tiers, add/remove and rename
  • Customizable appearance of the list
  • Fast tier assignment using right-click
  • Custom images upload
  • "Fork" a tierlist
  • Use a state management library like Redux or MobX (if needed)
  • Progressive Web App?
  • Automated testing? (Cypress? Jest?)
  • Use CI + CD?