
Simple debug log helpers

Primary LanguageGo


When you are doing some log based debugging there are two things that you often want to do; log where you are in your code, and log the value of something. While you can write your own print statements, sometimes you just want to stick a bunch of useful prints in that you will remove later. That is where these two functions come in.


Here() logs the name of the name of the file, line in that file and the function that it was called from:

[LOG] 0:00.000 INFO here 	/home/dooferlad/dev/go/src/github.com/juju/juju/worker/cleaner/cleaner_test.go:58 +0xdd
[LOG] 0:00.000 INFO here github.com/dooferlad/here.Is(0xe02b80, 0xc20809f110)```

## here.Is(v interface{})
Same as Here, but also prints the value of a variable that you give it:

```[LOG] 0:00.000 INFO here 	/home/dooferlad/dev/go/src/github.com/dooferlad/here/here.go:32 +0x1f
[LOG] 0:00.000 INFO here 		&cleaner_test.CleanerSuite{BaseSuite:testing.BaseSuite{CleanupSuite:testing.CleanupSuite{testStack:testing.cleanupStack{(testing.CleanupFunc)(0x4fca60)}, suiteStack:testing.cleanupStack(nil)}, LoggingSuite:testing.LoggingSuite{}, JujuOSEnvSuite:testing.JujuOSEnvSuite{oldJujuHome:"", oldHomeEnv:"/home/dooferlad", oldEnvironment:map[string]string{"JUJU_HOME":"", "JUJU_ENV":"", "JUJU_LOGGING_CONFIG":"", "JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS":""}, initialFeatureFlags:""}}, mockState:(*cleaner_test.cleanerMock)(0xc2080b67d0)}```

The other nice thing is that since you are using something in a namespace
that is specific for creating debug logs, you can easily find uses in your
code to delete before checking in.