
C++ program that creates a local HTTP server to generate Vanity Primes based on HTTP GET requests.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


C++ program that uses a daemon to fork a process which creates a HTTP server which generates "vanity primes" upon request. This project makes use of Civetweb which is a lightweight HTTP library.

Definitions & Important Notes

  • A daemon is a program that forks a child process to do it's work and then the parent exits leaving the child process running as a server.

  • A "vanity prime" is a (long) prime number the high order bits of which are constructed to match a supplied vanity string.

  • Vanity strings are limited to ASCII hex values, e.g. "0xdeadbeef" but may be of any length up to (nearly) 1024 bits long.


To begin with, clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/dooleyb1/VanityPrimesDaemon

Explode the mbedtls & civetweb tarballs.

tar xzvf mbedtls-2.6.0-apache.tgz && tar xzvf civetweb-1.10.tar.gz 

Build the mbedtls code.

cd mbedtls-2.6.0

Go back up a level and move into the civetweb-1.10 directory. Build and install the civetweb files.

cd civetweb-1.10
sudo make install

Go back up a level and compile the vanity_server program.

cd ..

Run the vanity prime generation server (locally on port 8081).


Browse files at http://localhost:8081/
Run example at http://localhost:8081/example
Exit at http://localhost:8081/exit
Generate vanity prime at http://localhost:8081/.well-known/vanityprime?vs=0x...
Exit vanity prime at http://localhost:8081/vpexit

Example Usage

Open up a new terminal and send a vanity prime generation request to the server and await response.

curl http://localhost:8081/.well-known/vanityprime?vs=0xdeadb33f

Vanity string = deadb33f
Vanity string length = 8 

Attempting to find vanity prime number...

Vanity prime found = deadb33fAK@F81B28F06AC0161D27EF6E60949BEF4AF2B47B7C8A928FF4B410FC5A6202D897AF70BD4660D1C37897BD9DF849DCB474EAD21923C9AC72E676580F060D87D12315C4F209048E3F02F32D5C4E6DB3D17E06F8187CC96D50E7D210B91E00BAF38CC7E8111D388A474A73B089E7B7AF3BF0B0582ADCBA99D2E8AA255

Attempts = 729

When finished using the server make sure to exit and close the server by sending the HTTP request as follows:

curl http://localhost:8081/vpexit
Vanity prime exit command received!

Sometimes the server is unable to generate a vanity prime number after a given number of attempts (1000). This will result in the following error code.

400 Bad Request
Attempts to produce vanity string exceeded max attempts (1000)Attempts = 1000